Chapter 12 : Craving

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It's been a few weeks since the incident, i spend my time barely speaking to Elias. That night- that night was traumatizing, I was at my weakest point, and I guess I had to find safety in someone, I finally let my guard down with him. But after a few days I regained my strength and realized that he's still the same Elias.

My scars are starting to fade, but I think they'll always kind of be there. On a better note, I've been getting special treatment since I'm pregnant. A doctor visits me every week to a check up. Elias has been overly concerned if I've eaten or drank enough water. But he gives me the space I want. He obviously knows how hard this has all been for me.

Anyway, I'm sitting on my bed with the air conditioning on, eating pink sugar cookies, that's all I've been craving today. And watching my favourite tv show, not having to worry about anything else. "Amara," Agnus knocks.

"Come in."

"Would you like anything else? Anything at all?"

"Anything? Well if it's anything then I'm specifically craving a coffee frap from McDonald's." I joke.

She laughs, "well make sure you do your daily yoga stretches okay?" With that, she leaves. She reminds me of a mom. I miss my mom. I think me missing her is what will always stand between Elias and I.

Right when my show gets to a good part, someone opens the door. Him.

"Assalamualaikum. How're you feeling babe?"

"Good." I peep. There's something in his hand. He hands me a coffee frap... "how-." I say excited.

"Agnus told me. Remember I can get you anything in the world, even if I have to swim the ocean for it."

I sip my coffee as I watch tv, trying not to meet his gaze.

"Mari. There's something I've been meaning to let you know."

This must be important, I look towards him trying not to look eager.

"You know how I have to go on missions? It can last from days to months?"

"Mhm.." I remember him going once, and how he's been on long missions before we got married.

"Well as much as I hate it, I have to go on one tonight. Wallah I don't want to but I have to, I don't have a choice because it's urgent. I really don't want to leave you here, but I'll have everyone take extra good care of you."

Honestly it's all good because that means more away time from him. I nod.

"I'll try to make it as quick as possible even though it might last months... I'm leaving now." He looks to my stomach and back at me. "Can I.."

Even though I'm highly uncomfortable I remember he is the father. And he's gonna be gone for a while so why not, I pull shirt up slightly. He cautiously places his hand my skin. "It's still small."


He moves his hand slowly until I notice him going a little high, I quickly pull my shirt back down. Instead, he grabs my hand and kisses it. "Take care of yourself okay?" He takes a bite out of the sugar cookie I've been holding. I open my mouth in shock, that's mine! He smiles, and with that, he leaves.


Stupid yoga ball. I read somewhere that it's healthy if you stretch and do yoga while being pregnant. So here I am. My craving are through the roof. Some days I want a singular pickle, while others, i want a 4 course meal. But today, surprisingly I'm not hungry. There weathers nice so i just want to go swim in the pool in the backyard.

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