Chapter 19 : Mom

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"How-." Is it possible? That my whole life, the guy I liked, liked me back?

"Yes Amara. I said it. I was a coward for never speaking up, but I was waiting for the right time. But then you left.."

I rethink my whole life. "Zayn-."

"Times up." Elias comes walking in. He looks at my hand holding the bar. "Why are you so close to him." He hisses.

"Elias. Let him out."

"Let's talk outside." I give in and follow him out.

"Elias. Why did you beat him. Why did you even lock him up in the first place?!"

"If a guy looks or even as much as helps my wife runaway, I'll make him pay."

"Elias it was my fault. I forced him! Don't you get it!" I yell.

"Amara he likes you. Clearly." He says in a very angry tone.

I pause. "No he-."

"Don't even start. You know it. And what do you do? Talk to him. Be around him. Let him see you, and take his side?!"

He's making me sound bad. "Elias you know nothing."

"I know everything!" His voice causes me to flinch.

I take a deep breath. "Let him out, or I'll make you the one who'll pay..." I walk out to the car.

He unlocks the car and I get in before he can help me in. I don't know how Ill forgive myself. I promised Zayn that he wouldn't get hurt. I promised Zayn that Elias wouldn't get mad. But here I am, breaking every promise. And he still forgave me.

We arrive home and I quickly leave the car. This time, he doesn't follow me. He just speeds off. Like I care.

I go check up on Yusuf.

"He's asleep." Agnus whispers as she closes the door of the nursery.

"Oh good, thank you Agnus."

"No problem. Do you want anything to drink?" She asks.

"No I just need a fat nap. I've had too much of today." I say as I walk to our room.


I groggily wake up to see the sun about to set. Wow I've been asleep for a while now. I get up to do wudhu and pray.

"Amara you're awake." Agnus walks in. "Do you still want to go to Elias's hockey tournament?"

I think for a bit. "Does he know that I'm coming?"

"Well in the morning he assigned security to take you tonight, but he probably doubts you're coming."

"Okay, you can get Yusuf ready while I get changed."

I hold Yusuf as I get into the security guard's car who'll escort us to the arena.

Yusuf is very happy today. Maybe because of how he got spoiled with a brand new car before even turning one. Yusuf grabs my nose as he makes odd baby sounds. I just let him because there is way too much on my mind right now.

We arrive at the arena and I find a spot on the bleachers. I choose the one closest to the glass. The players begin to come out and I quickly spot Elias. I doubt he'll see me through the crowd.

"There's daddy." I point for Yusuf as he continues making baby noises out of excitement. This is probably such a new environment for him. I see Elias looking through the crowd carefully, and then, his eyes finally set on me. He stares for a while and I think I see a smile on his face. I cant tell from the distance though.

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