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Pro life tip: never ask boys for hair advice.

My hair is ruined. It's so flat that even flat earthers will be ashamed.

And those idiots keep laughing.

"Stop it," I huffed.

"You look funny," Xander snorted.

"I'll call Daemon."

"What? Why?"

"Cause you ruined your hair?"

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe he knows what to do."

I did call Daemon but he didn't pick up. Okay maybe I should call Adonis.

He picked up on the second ring. "He baby."

I sniffled.

"What happened, love? Why are you crying?" Adonis' panicked voice came through the speaker.

"My hair's all flat and I have to go out."

"Oh." Adonis was quiet for a while. "How did this happen?"

"I came out of the shower, blow dried my hair and then my went all poofy so I asked Anubis and he came with the others and they said I should put hair gel and I did and now it's horrible. Wait I'll show you."

I turned my camera on and pointed it at my hair. "Look what they did to my hair."

Adonis laughed.

"Don't laugh."

He bit his lips to stop laughing.


"I'm sorry, honey. It's just- wait I know. I can ask Callista if she can fix it. She's a girl too." He turned the other way and yelled, "Callista, we've got a girl problem."

I heard some shuffling before Callista's face was visible on the screen. She looked horrified. "Who did this to you? Your beautiful hair, oh gosh, what happened?"

I told her the whole story again and she nodded.

"Alright, here's what you should do," Callista said after a moment. "Wash that off. Okay? Shampoo your hair and wash it off. And rinse it with cold water. And sometimes heat causes hair to get frizzy so I don't suggest blow drying but if you must use a blow dryer with ionic technology. Oh and use conditioner okay? And put some coconut oil in your hair before you sleep. It works wonders."

I nodded. "I'll go right now." I handed my phone to Anubis who stared at Callista and even though I'm late I want to see this staring match.

Callista, who was just fine even a minute ago seemed to freeze seeing Anubis.

Anubis grinned. "Hey. I'm Anubis. The better twin, you must've heard of me."

Before anyone else could say anything Adonis took the phone from Callista and cut the call telling me to call bim after fixing my hair.

I again washed my hair but decided not to blow dry it. I tried to pat my hair dry but it's taking too much time and I can't remove all the water.

I came out with water still dripping down my hair. I was going to start patting my hair dry when Adrian came in. "Dad's calling you."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You didn't knock."

He rolled his eyes. "I did knock but you didn't answer so I cane in."

"But I didn't hear you knock."

Adrian shrugged. "You're not ready yet."

I sighed. "No. I still have wear my dress dry my hair and I wanted to put some mascara and lipstick on, I've been practicing."

"Don't you need to dry your hair?"

I shook my head. "No I'm just going to pat it dry and hope it air dries quickly."

Adrian turned the fan on and made me sit infront of the dresser. "You do your makeup I'll do your hair."

He started patting my hair with a t-shirt and took out the dryer.

"No Adrian."

He shushed me and made me sit. Then he took a round hairbrush and started drying my hair like Daemon did. By the time he was done, my hair was coiled into soft culs at the bottom and the rest was smooth and soft.

I gasped. "How did you do it?"

"Adrian smirked. "You're an idiot."

I rolled my eyes but ran to put on my dress. After I was ready I asked Adrian how I looked.

 After I was ready I asked Adrian how I looked

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He just sighed. "If you keep looking like this, I'll be in jail for murder soon."


He shook his head. "Go dad is waiting."

I ran down the stairs and met papa in the living room.

"You look breathtaking, love," papa said kissing my cheek.

"Thank you papa, you look beautiful too."

Papa blushed hearing me and gave me his arm to hold. "Let's go."

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