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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


I turn around to see Andrew waving at me, so I waved back as he jogged over.

"I missed you," he said placing his hand on my face, squishing it.

"Hey," I exclaimed with squished cheeks. "Don't do that."

"You're really cute. Like a baby deer."

I scoffed. He's still holding my face. "Let me go."

He grinned. "Or else what? What would you do?"

"I'll get my brothers." That one sentence worked like magic and he left me.

"Shit, don't scare me like that."

I giggled. "Come on or we'll be late for class."

"Oh yeah, you can meet our other friend Jem today, he's here. He had to babysit his brother yesterday. Oh wait you know that already don't you? Hmm, what's new? Nothing's ever new with me. Like I don't have fun ever. What the hell? Why's my life so boring? Oh! You know what -"

We both walked along the hallway. Andrew rambling about anything and everything while I listen.

We reached the classroom and sat somewhere at the back.

We were talking when the door opened and the teacher came in. We both sat quietly not wanting to be in another detention.


"I'm starving," Stefan grumbled.

"I heard you say that at second period. Then you ate something didn't you," I asked amused by his capability to eat.

"Yeah but I'm a growing boy. I need more food."

That's exactly what Anubis says.

"Well we're heading to the cafeteria now. Just a few more minutes."

Stefan grumbled but his whining turned happy as soon as we entered the cafeteria. "Food!"

I giggled at him and went to sit with my friends. There's a boy at the table today. And he's beautiful.

"Hey, Attie," Andrew waved. "That's Jem."

"Hello love." Jem seems to have an accent but I'm not sure from where.

"Hi." I suddenly feel shy in presence of such a beautiful human.

Jem smiled at me. "You're adorable."

That just made my cheeks turn redder if possible which made the rest of my friends coo at me.


Jem is the most fun person ever. He's always up to something and it's always funny. To me at least, the teachers aren't amused though.

And he so pretty. He reminds me of my cousin Sebastian. Seb's probably the prettiest person in the family and he's funny too.

I can't wait to go home and tell Daemon everything that happened today.

"You ready?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Anubis asking me if I'm ready to go home.

"Uh huh."

"So how was your day," Soren asked opening the door for me.

"It was great! And I made another friend, his name's James and he's really pretty!"

Soren shared a look with Anubis and Anubis smirked at me through the mirror. "Does our little baby sister have a crush?"

"Crush?" I repeated. This is a new word.

"It means when you like someone-"

"Oh so that gives me so many crushes. I like a lot of people."

Soren shook his head with a chuckle. "No it means when you like like someone."

"Oh." I bet my mouth formed the perfect O. "Well then no. I don't like like him. I'm just saying he's pretty and funny. I don't have a crush. And Daemon told me I'm not allowed to like like anyone until I'm thirty."

Anubis snorted at that. "Of course he said that. Did he say when you can get married?"

"Never. He said I'm never getting married."

"Aww poor baby," Anubis mocked.

"Don't do that," I answered with a frown.

He smirked. "Or what?"

"I'll tell Daemon that you're making fun of me."

Anubis snorted again and was going to say something but Soren stopped him. "Don't bother her."


"Daemon," I smiled, blinking my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

I watched as he dropped his bag on the floor and rushed to me. "Why are you awake my darling? It's way past your bedtime."

"The little brat was waiting for you. Says she can't sleep until you kiss her goodnight," Adrian grunted not removing his eyes from the tv screen.

Daemon smiled. "Come on darling, let's put you to bed."

I let him carry me to my bed and gently lay me under the covers before kissing my forehead and nose. "Goodnight mea vita."

"Goodnight," I mumbled softly.

Daemon caressed my head for a few minutes before turning the lights off and moving out of the door.

"Daemon," I called before he could leave.

"Yes love."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking me in and loving me and making me the happiest girl in the world. Thank you for everything."

He walked over to me and kneeled next to my bed. "My darling, you deserve everything and so much more. Don't you ever thank me for giving you what you deserve."


He hummed.

"Don't tell anyone but you're my favorite."

He chuckled. "You're my favorite too, my love. I can't even imagine my life without you."

I smiled and kissed his nose. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight love."

Astrid Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ