The baby [1]

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* warning death *

A strangled cry was heard echoing in the forest. A small baby was wailing, the only reaction it could give.
A dead woman's arms the baby was laying in, that woman being a victim of dying through childbirth.

-Few hours prior-
A woman drenched in fear was stumbling through the woods running from someone when her water broke, causing huge cramps to overtake her senses. Too remote from any where she knew and in too much pain to travel any further she collapsed against a tree. Knowing that there was absolutely nothing she could do to help herself she started to push.

-back to present-

The newborn baby was still wailing. Cold and frightened there was nothing else it could do, or knew to do.
Only minutes old and nobody to help the baby was surly going to die. Or was it.

Unknown pov

'-blood. Human blood-' the one thought surging through my mind. Smelling human blood is very uncommon in the woods, and it never is good when we can smell it. It normally means someone's hurt or worse, then it's the ability to control ourselves and our thirsts.
At the moment I'm a far way away from my family's normal hunting spot, there's not as much wildlife in this season. The cold has defiantly lowered the amount of animals within our hunting woods, meaning that we all have to venture out a lot further to feed.

Approaching an unaware deer feasting on the earth before it ,I heard a small cry. That being enhanced by my super hearing ability. Sometimes hearing everything is a curse in itself, knowing all these disgusting confessions people make to each other and their constant bad mouthing of anything different to them. A horrible reality of having the ability of supernatural hearing.

This cry however hurt me deep down. This is a feeling that I've never really experienced in the past 100 so years of my undead life.

Running swiftly towards the cry I stop in my tracks. I see a deceased woman surrounded with blood. Knowing that the woman is dead I search for the sound of the cry leading me to her arms.
A baby loosely swaddled in a jumper yet still covered in blood was screeching for something, anything.

Feeling my undead heart crack I pick up the baby who started to calm down slightly yet still was crying an awful lot.

Analysing the situation the woman must have died minutes after giving birth. A sad ending yet at least she did get to meet her child before passing, however also having the dread of nobody being around to save your child. I'm glad I made it here the child is almost as cold as I am.

'I need to hurry it back so Carlisle can help it'
Glancing once again at the woman I ran off with the child carefully pressing it against my chest as to protect further from the elements. I pressed it's head into my chest as to not startle of possibly harm the baby whilst I was running at such speed, with the speed hopefully to the baby it should feel like nothing.

Entering my house I instantly run to my 'fathers' office knowing that he will likely be there. Upon entering my house I could feel my family members stares but that didn't matter to me at the moment and all I wanted to do was to get Carlisle's help.

"Edward what?"

"I found it, it needs help please"

"Come on in here" he said now realising how bad the situation was.

Carlisle hurried me into his little medical office and told me to place the baby on the bed. However as I tried to put it down the wailing increased. Every time I went to let go of it it's cries louden. The baby didn't want me to put it down.

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