Bathtime [9]

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"Uagggg aaaa" Rainn babbled out. His face coated in his cheeky gum filled smile, very happy with the new texture in his baby chubby hands. Rainn pulled and pushed the hair around, Rosalie made sure that Rainn had grasped the end of her hair this allowing the baby to not be restricted in movement nor tugging the roots which on any human would be pretty painful.
Rainn was much more awake now and the squeals and gurgles raising in volume.

"Aren't you a happy baby" Rosalie asked quietly looking straight into Rainns cute tiny green eyes. Rainn did seem very happy, then again he was getting lots of attention from some of his favourite people.
The pair stayed in silence just observing Rainns curiosity and exploration of the hair texture and his movements of his chubby arms.

"I always heard that baby's acted like drunk adults" Rosalie started to speak quietly to Emmet, him humming in response. Rosalie then going and stroking one of her ice cold fingers over Rainns warm chubby cheek. Rainn being used to the cold contact didnt react much, only letting out another gurgle.
"I never believed them, however seeing how Rainn acts I'm starting to think that its true"
Rainn only further proving her point as he started rolling slightly from his tummy onto his back trying to see his uncle clearly, all the while giggling contently.
"A rolley drunk adult" Emmet chuckled out petting Rainns hair haltering Rainns movement. Rainns little eyes closing at the feeling of being pet, a grin freezing on his face. Allowing the other two to share content smiles after seeing his.

"Think he might need a bath" Rosalie whispered out still admiring Rainns little movement with his still tiny arms and legs.
"Yeah?" Emmet agreed lightly somehow not convinced that Rainn needed one. He would have much preferred to stay like this cuddled up with his two most favourite people to exist.

"And we can put him in one of those fluffy onesies, they make him look so small and cute and cuddly" Rosalie said knowing how cute Emmet found Rainn in the fluffy onesies, this also being her way to convince her husband to get up.

"Mmmmmm, you do know how to convince me" Emmet groaned out Rosalie smiling slightly at his reaction, before getting up and lifting baby Rainn up with her Rainns head flopping slightly was he was brought up from his led down form surprised to be leaving his uncle Emmet. Rosalie quickly stabilising his head.
His face supporting a confused pout, "cute" Rosalie mumbled to Rainn looking at his expression.
Rainn was placed in a 'baby bath bowl' which went into the sink and allowed for a very convenient space for Rainn to have his bath supervised without needing to be in a bathtub, especially as he's still small enough to fit (not to mention the sinks are absolutely huge).
Both surrounded the 8 month baby and proceeded to clean his little body. Rainn still full of giggles for the attention and ticklish feeling of him being washed.

"I'll go get his little onesie, you be good little Rainn"Rosalie said before gentility kissing the top of Rainns head before zooming into Rainns nursery. Rainn just watching Rosalie leave, before glancing back to his uncle Emmet.
Emmet just having his usual grin looking down on his nephew, Rainn mimicking the grin.
"Hmm, now lets get you dried now before you go turning into a wrinkly raisin" emmet joked out, Rainn not understanding just kept his smile looking up to his uncle.

Pulling Rainns slightly chubby body from the bucket bath of water emmet quickly transported Rainn over to the changing mat, which was laid on the living room floor awaiting for Rainn to finish his bath. The mat also having a fresh towel ready for Rainn. Emmet now wanting Rainn to become ill quickly dried his little body with the towel ,before then placing Rainn back down on the changing mat.

However as Rainn was put down and emmet was about to put a nappy on the boy Emmet started to feel something warm hitting his stomach. Quickly looking down Emmet realised what was happening.
"Rainnnn" Emmet half laughed out, Rainn reacting to the laugh with his own, the usual.

"What's happened?" Rosalie asked zooming back into the kitchen. The little brown onesie in her hands. Panic surged through her eyes at the calling of Rainns name, not sure if Rainn was harmed or in danger. However her worries quickly vanishing at the laughter of her husband.

Emmet was still laughing whilst placing Rainn back into the luckily still full tub as he spoke, "the little one couldn't wait till I put on his nappy". Rainn now chilling back in the still slightly warm sink tub, not a clue why he was back as he just looked around curiously landing on Rosalie and his uncle Emmet.
"What?" Rosalie was still confused until she saw her husbands shirt, or well the wet stain on the front of it. "Oh" she concluded with a little chuckle huff, "go get cleaned up and i'll sort this little one out".
Emmet quickly removed his now pee covered shirt and tossed it in the washing machine before going off upstairs to get changed.

"Silly aren't you, but very cute" Rosalie whispered to Rainn as he started to slightly splash the water with his hands enjoying being back in the water.
Rosalie quickly washed down Rainn again before wrapping him in a fresh towel.

"Now lets get you dressed, hopefully this time you wont need the potty".
Rainn just responding to this with a baby grunt, and putting his hand in his mouth.

"Probably should put some more numbing cream on your gums too". Rainn didn't respond at all this time, paying too much attention to his freshly cleaned yummy looking hand.
Rosalie then went over to place Rainn back onto the changing mat and managed to put a fresh nappy onto his little body, then putting him in the fluffiest onesie possibly made. The onesie that she knew her husband loved seeing Rainn in, mainly because it was a teddy bear onesie that did make Rainn look incredibly small and cuddly.
Rainns little chubby face was smiling whilst also gurgling slightly, him reacting to Rosalie face looking down over him.

"There we go, all cute and cuddly" Rosalie said before kissing Rainns cheeks, with the main aim to see his face all smiley and giggling.
Rainn found all of these kisses very ticklish equating to very joyous squeals and giggles coming from Rainn.
Rainn definitely loved these two loads, his love almost completely filling his little heart.
"Now lets go see how cute you're uncle finds you"
"Bear man, Bear man, does whatever a bear can" Emmet was singing whilst parading Rainn all around the home. A gigantic smile on Rainn as excitements bubbles in him at the shear sight of his family as he was being held to mimic a sort of flying experience. Rainn liking the new motion of his uncle holding him up high.

"Can he swing, not quite, can he maul someone to death, also probably not" Emmet continued with hints to joke on his death. Rainn being tilted lightly side to side along with his uncles singing. Him very much enjoying seeing the face of his family from above where he was usually held. The others who were all in the house were finding this to be pretty cute.

"Look out here comes bear man" Emmet ended bringing Rainn to be held directly at his chest. Rainn giving one final giggle.

"Definitely could maul someone to death with cuteness"Esme said walking over to her son and grandson, pinching Rainns chubby check.

"Maybe buying that onesie was a bad idea"Rosalie jested, knowing how much her husband loved seeing Rainn in it.
She was over the moon that Rainn existed, the void in her heart had been filled by his chubby baby face. She loved seeing his morning face, happy face, sad face the lot, she just fully loved him. She did especially love how much Rainn loved Emmet, those two were inseparable, a package deal. You'd rarely see one without the other, this taking a major toll on how often Emmet ended up going to school. However non of them really needed the education, they only went for appearances making it non important in comparison to spending time with his cute nephew.
Little Rainn.

22nd June 2023
1535 words

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