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"Rainn kom igjen, du må fullføre frokosten før vi drar" (Rainn come on you've got to finish your breakfast before we leave) Rosalie told the now 8 year old boy whilst she was seemingly packing a healthy looking handmade lunch. Rainn was sat at the kitchen table slowly eating his seemingly very balanced breakfast whilst watching his mother pack his lunch. Rainn now being taller and more advanced than when he was a toddler.

"Ja mor" (yes mother) he said politely before going in for another mouthful. Rainn having his still too short legs swinging from the chair as he still wasn't tall enough to touch the floor, this causing his body to sway slightly.

"kom igjen, du har en stor helg foran deg" (come on, you've got a big weekend ahead of you) Emmet said walking into the kitchen and ruffling Rainn's golden locks of hair. Emmet then going to sit beside his son to watch him eat. When he came into the kitchen he places 2 large full camping rucksacks on the grounds, beside a smaller more colourful looking rucksack.

"Forrrr!" (Father!) Rainn whined out shaking his hair back into place whilst pouting slightly trying to fix his now ruined hair.
"nok om det, spis nå opp" (enough of that, now eat up) Rosalie hushed tapping her finger on the table to catch Rainn's attention, for him to then go back to his breakfast.

Norway was the most ideal place for the small family to go, it was quiet and out of the way, a peaceful place. The perfect place.
Rosalie and Emmet were quick to pick up the language, and with Rainn being so young when he was brought over here Norwegian was the language he was taught as his first.
No he didn't go to public school, Rosalie made sure that Rainn would be safe and protected by being homeschooled (I mean what did you expect?). She had taught him how to speak English as well however they mostly spoke Norwegian around the house for his benefit, as there were times that he found it difficult to differentiate between the two languages. Homeschooling was also quite ideal as it gave Rosalie and Emmet the ability to have Rainn on a flipped schedule so they could go outside with him more during the night time.

At the moment Rosalie was making sure that her son had eaten, for today was the beginning of the annual Cubs and Scouts camping weekend.
Yes Rosalie and Emmet hadn't enrolled Rainn into public school, however they knew that Rainn had to make friends and develop his social skills somehow. Thus Emmet bringing up the idea of Rainn being within the Cubs program. They did first start him when he was just old enough to join beavers when he was around 6, to then move up to the Cubs (these are educational life skills programs if you don't know what I'm on about. I'm not sure if these are global institutions). Rainn was now 8 years old and had just been welcomed into the Cubs, so this would be is first camping experience without both of his parents.

Emmet had become one of the volunteers for the organisation, so he would be going with Rainn. Him being one of the leaders allowed him to spend much more time with Rainn and it would seem that Rainn also liked his father being there with him bringing the pair closer together, the only times this changing would be if the sun was out, but luckily for the pair it was supposed to be cloudy and drizzly all weekend
Rosalie begrudgingly didn't join the pair, allowing them to have their own private bonding time together, as She would usually have got to spend all day with him when they were doing Rainn's classes.

Rosalie and Emmet had taken Rainn camping before so this wouldn't be a completely new experience to him, however with Emmet being one of the leaders and him helping out with the activity planning he already knew that Rainn would be able to learn many new survival skills.

"kom igjen, vi må snart sette i gang baby bjørn" (come on, we've got to get going soon baby bear) Emmet said picking up Rainn's empty plate and placing it in the sink, with Rainn then going and standing by his very full rucksack.

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