Jacob - Extra

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Author's Note: Bonus chapter for Isabella's best friend. It is short and poorly edited, but I hope you enjoy! <3


Letting the person you love most in the entire world go is not easy.

For years it had felt like Jacob had been watching Isabella from behind a pane of glass, unable to touch her as she continued to live her life naive to his struggles. Over time, it became evident that even if he did shatter that glass and open up about his feelings, there was still no chance to grasp her.  She was in love with someone else.  It had been a painful realization.

That realization had come to him when she was still in Toronto, but it was in the forefront of his mind after the 2018 Olympics, when Jacob received a phone call from Javier Fernandez.

Usually the conversations between Javier and him were light. Neither of them had a serious personality and most of their conversations consisted of joking banter and sarcastic quips. Therefore, when Jacob picked up the phone, he was taken aback by the unexpected seriousness in Javier's tone.

Jacob had already heard that Javier was planning to come and visit Isabella. Isabella had been over the moon about it and she had eagerly started crafting plans for their time together. She had made a list that included having Javier stop by their skating class, taking him to her favorite restaurant in the city, and showing him more sights than one could reasonably see within the span of just a few days.

However, Jacob was surprised to hear from Javier himself prior to the visit.  He was also extremely surprised when Javier asked him a very targeted question- one that had been on Jacob's mind and heart for years.

"Jacob, are you in love with her?"

The question had led to a long, uncomfortable silence.

When Jacob laughed into the receiver moments later, the forced joy at odds with the words that came out of his mouth, the avoidance of the question spoke volumes. "I'm not sure it matters if I am in love with her, Javi."

Jacob knew Javier already had his answer long before this conversation started. Javier was an observant person. It wasn't like Jacob was particularly good at hiding his feelings for Isabella, despite Isabella herself being completely clueless.

Javier had asked a loaded question and Jacob was pretty certain that what Javier really meant to ask was, 'what do you intend on doing about it?'

But instead of saying those words, Javier continued with, "Why does it not matter if you are in love with her?"

Jacob humored him, "Well, because I care about her."

Javier needed a better answer than that. Especially with the profound guilt he was already feeling because of the favor he was about to ask for.

"So you can't be with her because you care about her? I am not sure how much sense that makes."

Jacob sighed, not wanting to point out what he knew was obvious to them both.

"I think we both know who she wants to be with Javi. It is not me. I just want her happiness, regardless of how I feel. If that means, that she has to-" Jacob became silent, shying away from the finality in his words.

"She has to..." Javier gently urged.

Jacob closed his eyes briefly. "Even if that means she has to be with someone else, I just want her to be happy."

There were a few more moments of silence before Jacob heard Javier take in a deep breath before he spoke again. "I know this may be very difficult for you Jacob, but I think I know a way we can make Bella happy." Dredged in guilt Javier added softly, "And I am so sorry."

At that moment Jacob realized the purpose of this call. He also knew just how Javier intended on making Bella happy.

If Jacob was to look back, he would realize that in that moment there was a brief, a very, very brief second that he considered declining whatever Javier was about to say. In that moment, Jacob had only thought of his own selfish desires of what could be between him and his childhood best friend.

That moment didn't last long.

All it took was for Jacob to think back to weeks ago, when he discovered Isabella, in an inebriated state, sprawled on the floor of her house. Her gaze was fixed upon a picture of the figure skater who had captured her heart in a manner he had never been able to.

He realized that night, just how thick that pane of glass that kept her away from him truly was, and he never wanted to be that helpless again. 

 Try as he might, he was never able to give her what she needed.

Jacob knew this.

Javier knew this.

They both knew who could.

And now was the time for Jacob to make peace with it.

He spoke clearly into his cellphone, "I'm all ears."


One week later,  Jacob opened the door to his house, letting the last remnants of the early evening light shine in. His eyes settled on the two men he had been expecting and a wide smile stretched across his face.

"It's good to see you both. Let's get you in before Bella's nosy eyes spot you out here."

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