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【37】Don't Look Down

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Free of his attention, I thought for a moment about the best alignment for my mat. I didn't want to flash him with my ass every few seconds, but being in a corner surrounded by floor-to-ceiling mirrors made that hard. I picked a placement and laid the mat that way. Then I sat cross-legged on it. Once I'd paired my earphones, I dialed Gigi.

Seeing her brown face and messy blue hair filled me with joy. "Hi, babe," I greeted her, beaming.

"Hey, sweets. I'm so glad we can do this!"

"Yeah, me too! I'm going back to the dusty antiques as soon as we're done."

"Is everything going well?"

"It is. There's just way more stuff than I expected."

"Think you'll have to extend your stay?"

I offered her a grimace through the screen. "Yeah, possibly."

Her attention was quickly drawn to another topic, though, which she could see over my shoulder. "Is that Ulrik?"

I twisted around, seeing he was just done with the new set. Turning back to Gigi, I offered her a nod.

"Yummy... Put your phone in a way so that I can see him too," she insisted with mischief.

With a roll of my eyes, I moved to set the phone in front of me. Because I was a good best friend who wouldn't refuse Gigi her eye candy, I framed it so she could enjoy some of Ulrik as well.

We began with stretching, per usual. She was the most well-versed where yoga was concerned, so she took the lead. She'd actually been the one converting me to it when we'd first met. I enjoyed the added flexibility and increased mobility. Also, Gigi always included a couple of poses meant to strengthen the pelvic floor, and that was a nice bonus when it came to sex.

After a series of demanding poses, we were both in need of a little break. "Alright, we're doing cat-cow for a bit," she explained, moving to her knees and hands. "What are you doing?" she asked as I was doing the same.

"Getting into position."

"You fucking wuss. Do it with your arse towards him."

My jaw dropped nearly all the way to the mat. I sent her a scolding glare, which didn't intimidate her but made her laugh instead. Thank Christ all of this was happening in my ears, and he couldn't catch any of it.

"Come on, do it. I'll tell you if he's staring."

"You're not only insane, you're also the worst sponsor I've ever seen."

"It doesn't engage you to do anything with him. It's just to drive him a little mad, you know?"

"Why would I want to do that?!"

"Because look at him, ugh... If I could be the center of such a man's desire, I'd be set for life. It's like an ego boost that'll never go away."

"I'm not doing it," I insisted, switching into the safest position.

"You are so disappointing right now. Such a pussy, I swear... I'll never look at you the same way, Mimi."

Sitting on my heels, I stared at the screen, unamused. "I will look for a new roommate as soon as I come back."

"Oh, please do. I refuse to live with you anymore. You're too much of a killjoy."

"And you're too much of a bitch," I mumbled.

Because she'd triggered my competitiveness, and because I hated being called a killjoy—which she was perfectly aware of—I turned around. My face warmed up as I got on all four with my ass toward the room. I would hate myself for this in a matter of seconds, I was sure of it.

The Collector | 18+Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora