1. The Alluring Stranger

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The tapping sound echoing in the changing room could easily portray the level of anxiousness I felt at the moment. The ringing sound reverberated in the empty room while I kept biting my lips.

2 missed calls from Sarah.

Sarah Willson, my step mother, is somebody you'll like to keep your distance from. A decade after my mother's demise, my dad married Sarah as a condition to get our company financed by her father. Sarah was a widow with a 16 year old daughter back then. The hope of curing my loneliness filled into my father's heart. He predicted I'll finally get the motherly love my newly teen- ed soul was craving then. But little did he know Sarah wasn't a motherly figure any child would desire. She was nothing but a selfish, cunning and manipulating woman who would careless about my survival, let alone my happiness.

"Just because I have money doesn't means you'll be clinging on me like a leach you are." She said distastefully.

"You might have manipulated my daughter but you can't manipulate me, you dumb bitch." Her eyes scream agony when Ava opposed her, first time in her life.

"You can dress up all you want, honey. You'll still be a fat good for nothing bitch." She smirked when she saw me tugging at my dress, that I was already insecure about.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to flush out the flashes.

The only light in my darkness back then were my dad and step sister, Ava Willson.

Ava and I knew nothing about how step-sister's were supposed to behave. So we treated each other like best friends. Being a victim of her mother's selfishness herself, she couldn't help me with the emotional and mental manipulation Sarah imposed on me. But she made sure I never ever in my life went through anything physical. At least at home. In the forest of insecurities, she filled me with hope and motivation.

I once shared my late mother's dream of 'hoping to see me as a doctor' with Ava. Ever since then, she stood by my side and helped me with everything she could. We couldn't share anything about Sarah to my dad. So she dropped subtle hints about the mistreatment we were served with. Luckily my dad picked up the hints and could see a clear picture of what was happening. A month later, he announced sending Ava and me to a residential college where Ava pursued Management courses while I advanced with my career in medical field.

7 years later, here I am, an intern in pediatrics department.

During our residential stay, I was a quite nerd like many other medicos, while Ava was a social bird. She was once paired with Ethan Smith during a project. Their start was quite ironic to what their future held. They were each other's nemesis. Pranking each other, shouting, arguing and destroying each other's relationship was quite common for them. As the time passed and circumstances took a whirlwind, they found comfort in each other's presence. Soon they jumped over the thin line separating hate and love.

Ever since then, Ethan has been an undetachable part of Ava's life. That guy couldn't be termed as perfect like any other human being, but atleast he didn't show any red flags in their relationship. A year back, Ethan formally proposed Ava despite of all the opposition from his family.

The Smith family were billionaires and everything about them screamed money and arrogance. James Smith got the multinational company Smith Sons and Co. from his father about 30 years ago. Ever since then, their family has been under spotlight. But ironically, the most number of articles you'll ever find about their family are based on their younger son. Apparently he has been rewarded with the title of being a 'mysterious billionaire'. Not even his name was disclosed among the media let alone be the man himself. The articles majorly served rumours about the youngest Smith being "Illegitimate" and "Too arrogant to give a heed to public" and many more baseless arguments.

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