Chapter 21: First Kiss

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"That's how I we started having fruits in the backyard." Uncle Danny explained me about how he took finance for college but later discovered he was interested in agricultural sciences.

He along with his few mates, started reading everything they could find in the local Library, in the context of agriculture. Later, he started planting seeds and saplings in the backyard of the farmhouse. He started experimenting with different fertilizers and composts and wrote his own research paper when he was about 35. His eyes twinkled when he spoke about the awards he recieved for the papers.

He looked happy learning about Agriculture.

"Hey boys!" I heard a familiar feminine voice. I turned my head to see Jasmine towering us.

"Don't create troubles for yourself, Minnie. You know Amayra won't like you anywhere near Alexander." Uncle Danny advised her.

"Pfft! I ain't creating troubles. Also, I got a call from my boss. I'll have to return back to my office by day after tomorrow. So I'll leave Amayra's ass alone by tomorrow's evening." She informed.

"But not before riling her up." She smirked.

She took a seat beside me. I shifted uncomfortably. Uncle Danny excused himself saying he wants his ass safe from Amy.

"Don't worry young man, I am not going to touch you." Jasmine said. I nodded and stopped moving after creating about half a meter distance between us.

"Do you wanna know a secret?" She asked. I looked at her for second, then nodded in encouragement.

"I am not interested in men. So, you're damn too safe around me." She said. I knew what she meant. Ethan told me how people realise their gender preference as they grow up. Its not important for men to like women and women to like men. And its completely normal.

"But your wife or anyone from the Williamsons don't know a shit about this. Heck, even my friends don't know about it." She spaced out. "Why? If you don't mind me asking.." I asked meekily.

She chuckled. "I am scared, to be honest. I don't want them to see me like I am an alien. I don't want them roaming around me and saying 'Oh it's normal Minnie. There is nothing to be ashamed about!' I don't need their forced or fake encouragement. Especially when I don't need it. I know its normal. And I am not ashamed about my preferences." She said looking at her lap.

"The women around me would be more concious of me. I'll be kicked out of the girls' night outs, assuming I might be lustful about their body. The boys would become too comfortable around me to talk about their disgusting dicks. I have seen many of my friends going through the same." She muttered.

"I don't know what to tell you, Ms. Jasmine. Just know that I am proud of you to realise what you want. You should be too." I said looking at Mia. This is how she motivates me. And trust me it works for me.

"But I'll be even more proud if you could voice out your thoughts. Let your family know that you don't need their consolidations. Let your friends know liking women and lusting over their body, ain't the same thing. See if they still stick by you and your feelings. You'll know whom to keep by your side and whom to put in the category of toxic acquaintances." I said.

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