Chapter 19

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Avery Romano

Feeling the soreness of my muscles and pain from my torso, I woke up in pain once again. Felt like deja vú. I adjusted myself on the chair to get into a position where the pain would not be felt as much and I sighed in relief when the amount of pain felt had significantly lessen. 

Felix Parker walked into the room whistling a tune from his lips. I rolled my eyes at his presence and closed my eyes shut when he stopped in front of me. As usual, he bent down and place his face in front of mine and smirked while looking at my beaten up body. 

"Seems like my men have served you well, Avery Romano. Well, great news for you. I will kill you tomorrow night, and I will make sure to do so while video calling your family. Enjoy your last few hours while being alive." With that, he casually waved his hand without turning back and left the room. 

Tomorrow night. I sighed softly as I closed my eyes shut.

Alexander Romano

It's been a day and there were no updates on Avery's whereabouts. We stayed up the whole night and there were barely any traces for us to trace back. 

All of a sudden, Lucas stood up and pushed his chair back with much force and exclaimed,"Got it! I managed to retrieve a small part of the footage!" All of us immediately got up from our seat to join him and looked at the screen of his laptop intensely. 

The footage showed the side view of the man who carried an unconscious Avery to a black van and drove off. Using the side profile of his face, Lucas then hacked into the police system to identify the man. It was fortunate that his data was found in one of the files that Lucas managed to hack. He had a criminal record of theft before, but he was soon released after that. 

What shocked all of us was the man that he soon worked under after he was released from prison. Felix Parker. The name on screen was clearly labelled. All of us could not believe our eyes. Even Uncle Ezra appeared to be shocked by this piece of information. 

I placed my tightly clenched fist on the arm of the chair that Lucas was sitting on. Fucking piece of conniving shit. He betrayed our alliance but that was not the most important thing. He had betrayed the friendship that he had with father as well. But why would he do that? 

Turning to Uncle Ezra who clearly had nothing but anger written all over his face, I asked,"Did anything happen between him and my father before he passed away? I just don't get why he would go against the alliance which was formed years back." Uncle Ezra pondered my question for a while then replied,"As far as I know, he went missing in action for quite some time when he divorced his wife decades ago."

I nodded at the information then replied,"Lucas, can you check what happened between him and his wife and what caused their divorce? Also, I want to know what he was up to during the period that he disappeared." Lucas nodded and went back to furiously typing on his computer.

We were one step closer to getting Avery back now. 

Unknown POV

Beckoning my men with a slight wave of my hand, they instantly moved ahead of me and sneaked into the building. He had been missing for some time now and I need to know what the hell he was up to. He was definitely not in his right mind from the last time I saw him and I need to stop whatever crazy shit that he was going to do. 

My men nodded their heads at me to inform that the coast ahead was clear, and there were no men in sight. Slowly walking towards the small room ahead of me, I realised that there was a lock on it. There must be something important that he was hiding in here. My men managed to find an alternative way to peek into the room instead of breaking the lock. 

We crawled quietly into a dark tunnel and found a small entrance to another dark area. That must be the room which we were at just now. Signalling for them to stay behind, I pulled out the gun which was placed at my back and loaded the chamber with bullets. 

Glancing around the dark room, I finally spotted someone who was sitting near the corner of the small and dark room. It was a girl but I could not figure out her age because her face was hidden behind her hair which were matted with sweat. The clothes on her body were dirty and slightly bloody. Just what the fuck was he trying to do to this girl? Kill her?

As though she had heard me, she whipped her head and found me instantly. Her guard was instantly put up against me and I stood up from my previously crouching position. She noticed the gun in my hand and asked,"He told me that it was tomorrow night. You can't just kill me when time is not up yet." She said it with a complete expressionless face. 

She looked oddly familiar. Had I seen her somewhere before? 

Her attention was still focused on the gun in my hand. I carefully placed it on the ground to show that I had no intention of harming her but she stayed in her spot. 

"What do you mean tomorrow night?" I asked her carefully, trying to find out what in the world she was doing here. She remained silent and scrutinised me slowly and stated,"You're not one of his men." I nodded at her answer, I like how she was observant enough to notice that.

Seeing that I was not much of a threat to her, she sat back in the corner. She spoke,"He will kill me tomorrow night. And by the way, you can either get your men out of that small hole or ask them to turn back. It looks like it's too cramp for them to stay there for a long time." She stared at the ground silently, while my eyes widened slightly at her words. How did she notice them?

Turning to my men, I told them to get outside and wait for me while Damian stayed behind with me. He was my trusted man and we were as close as brothers. Although he can be really grumpy, but he always made sure that my safety was his first priority. He can be a super big softy for someone he truly cares for. 

The both of us maintained our distance with the girl and I asked another question,"Why are you here? And what is your name?" She ignored my question and replied,"I could ask the same to you." 

I chuckled lowly at her response, I never thought that I would get to meet someone who was not afraid of me and ask me a question of her own without answering to mine. Damian had his scary look on as usual, and he analysed her from afar. I believe I look less scary as compared to Damian.

"I'm Roman Parker, came here to find out what the hell that man was up to." I refused to address him as my father, a role that he had failed a long time ago. 

Realisation seemed to dawn on her as her eyes landed on me and frowned a little,"You're...his son?"

updated! introduction to a new character! I'm always excited whenever there is an appearance of a new character, be it whether they are good or bad ones.

currently at the library and there's no available table T_T so I found myself a small couch with power plug at the side whew, good enough 

Happy reading! -9/9/2022

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