Chapter 33

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Reine Parker

Slowly opening my eyes, I took a look at my surroundings. I was on my bed. As I turned my head to the left. Roman appeared right in front of me, sitting on a chair with his arms crossed his chest.

I faked a groan, in hopes that he would take pity on me and not question me instead. He was unamused with my tactic and muttered,"Dr Martin said that you're absolutely fine. I think it's time for you to tell me what the hell you were up to this entire day when you were just out for some books." He air quoted the word 'books', mimicking the way I told him about getting those this morning.

Realisation occurred to me and I shouted,"Shit! My books!" I attempted to get off the bed when the door opened, revealing Damian with two familiar bags in his hands. Thank God that Damian got them back for me. Those took me a while to find and I don't think I can get them from else where again.

"Get your ass back on the bed." Roman commanded, while I eyed at Damian, trying to ask him to get me out of this. He shrugged and chuckled softly, before leaving my things beside my cupboard and left the room. Cold hearted bastard.

I sat obediently on the bed, and I sighed as I realised that he was not going to drop the subject until I tell him everything from the start.

"....after that we managed to send the both of them out of the place, that's when both you and Damian came in." I picked up the glass of water beside my nightstand and took a large gulp from it. Roman narrowed his eyes at me and asked with suspicion laced in his voice,"So the wound on your elbow has got nothing to do with them?" I swallowed the water in my mouth and sighed out loudly, nodding a yes to him.

" are you feeling now? After seeing them." Concern was obvious in his tone, as he moved himself from the chair to the edge of my bed. I shrugged at his question and pondered for a while before answering,"Honestly, I don't know. But one thing for sure was that I felt relieved, after I saw the smile that Bea had on her face while being with them. At least she's happy and that's all I needed to see."

Roman pulled me into his embrace and I instantly relaxed my muscles. He placed his chin on the top of my head and sighed gently,"I'm just glad that you're not hurt, Ray. Just make sure you won't do something reckless like that next time, all right? I might really die an early death if you keep pulling such things on me."

I chuckled at his words and hit his arm,"I'm not that crazy to do such things everyday. And even if I do, I will make sure to think twice because I have a brother dearest who wants to live a long life, is that okay?" He ruffled my hair hard before dashing out of my room, for fear that I might really muffle him with a pillow.

Alexander Romano

We cut our vacation short and was now in our jet, on the way home. Ari was still unconscious from her panic attack so we placed her in one of the rooms on the jet.

Enzo came up to my seat and asked,"Are we not staying here? Avery is still here." I sighed as I placed the glass of whiskey on the table.

"We are, but we have to figure out who was trying to kill us and tell the rest of our family about whatever happened here, before we can come back again for Avy." The thought of her made me recalled about the words she said to us.

"I'm Reine Parker, get that name right in your heads."

Does she know who the man that she's with? Does she even know that he's the son of the bastard who tried to kill her? Tons of questions swamped in my head but there were only questions, not a single answer.

Although I do have some brief memory of Roman Parker, who used to visit our house whenever his bastard of a father came over, and we used to talk to each other and was on good terms. However, things were different now. He must have known that she was Avery, but he made her stay with him. Why didn't he tell us that she was alive? And in the first place, how did he manage to find her?

There were so many things that we did not know of, but we are going to find out everything from now on. We want to get our sister back. To earn her forgiveness will be the first step. In order to do so, we need to know everything.

The 2 hours flight felt like two minutes due to the never ending questions in my head. I needed answers. As we got off the flight, our driver was standing beside the car and ready to drive us home. Theo carried Ari and placed her beside him throughout the journey back home. While on the car, I texted Uncle Ezra to gather everyone and head to our house.

Mason Romano

"We need to head over to Alex's side now, they just got off the flight and are on the way home." Dad announced to us, while mum looked shocked at his words.

"Wait, aren't they at England now? Why gather there?" Axel asked in curiosity.

"Apparently something came up and they decided to return. We will find out once we get there." Dad got up from the couch, ready to get dressed while mum placed aside the newspaper and got up as well.

We managed to get there within 40 minutes and they soon walked through the door, with Theo carrying an unconscious Ari. I was the first one to run up to them and asked,"What happened to Ari?" I looked around for any injuries on her but thankfully there were none.

Theo then carried her upstairs while Alex guided us to the living room before he told us everything that had happened to them.

"So how did you guys manage to get out of there?" Dad asked Alex, who had a deep frown etched on his forehead.

"Someone helped us, or rather helped Ari." Our curiosity perked up at his words. Someone? Who would be so kind hearted to help the mafia? Most people would run for their lives already, much less to lend a helping hand to a fucking mafia.

"Who is it? I guess we really owe them a favour." Dad inquired, prompting Alex to say something so that our curiosity can be pacified.

"Avery. She was the one who helped Ari to get out of that place before her panic attack got worse." The last words of his sentence left an eerie silence in the room. As if on cue, all of us widened our eyes and looked at Alex as if he just told us something incredulous.

To think I was the first one to speak up after a long pause,"She's.....alive. Ave is alive?" I asked once again, not wanting it that I had heard the piece of news wrongly and had my hopes up high. Eli nodded at me and replied,"Yes, she's alive and it's definitely her."

I could not be bothered to listen to the rest of the conversation as my mind was only focused on the words,'she's alive.'

updated! thank you all so much for the support and got this story to 1k votes! <3

Happy reading! -5/10/2022

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