Chapter Nine

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Amira's Pov
A very loud sounding scream echoed through out the entire room, feeling my upper half of my body suddenly launch forward. The pain ripped across my entire abdomen in one large go. Feeling Rheanyra grab at my hand more tightly moving the sticky pieces of my hair from my eyes view.

"You are doing amazing love, come on the Maesters said a few more pushes don't call anyone else a cunt though." A harsh pained filled laugh left me, snorting through the pain, taking a glance at her my eyes holding amusement squeezing tighter at her hand, exhaling harshly.

"It feels like I am being ripped open from the inside oh gods... He's never allowed back inside me Rheanyra make sure he knows that." The young girl let the loudest laugh out, holding both my hands tightly in her grip nodding her head at me a couple times, her own amused flashed in her gaze.

"Yes I promise to tell him now keep pushing, just do one big push." She needed out helping me sit up just slightly another louder scream had left me squeezing my eyes feeling how much further apart my legs were spread open. Before it felt like a rush down my body weakly exhaling puffing on all the air that I could gulp into my lungs, hearing the servants moving around quickly all over the room.

"I don't hear the baby crying.." I started to panic, the pain running to ignore through me feeling she had made me lay right back down, some more relief off my chest hearing the sudden loud cry. I thought my lungs were gonna collapse right then and there.

"You can relax they are bringing her to you now after the cut the cord. She's beautiful." Rheanyra praised me, I sat up even more my eyes watching the bundle being placed in my arms suddenly. I stared down at her face in awe, locking my arms underneath her body.

"Congrats my lady, a healthy baby girl." I smiled exhaling moving to press my lips on top of her head after hearing the midwives tone, whispering in gentle motion.

"I'm sorry you weren't here to see her born Daemon, how about.. Her name be Daenyra  hmm?" I chuckled quietly even more hearing her soft like coos being heard through out the commotion like room.

"Did you hear of the battle in the Stepping Stones? I hear it's entering the dire states. I do hope our Prince is making himself useful." My lips formed a quick deep firm line in annoyance shifting the sleeping toddler closer to my chest as she napped on my chest. I hated these gatherings. Woman of the court were awfully annoying and with my brother away as well. I had to sit through these affairs watching Alicent rub at her swollen belly chatting among themselves.

I glanced down at Daenyra moving the strands of her white hair from her face each curl falling into place clearing my throat glancing up when Rheanyra stood behind my chair cooing as she leaned over to stroke at her nieces cheek a few times.

"You are married to Prince Daemon aren't you Lady Amira?" I felt all eyes on me in the rowdy crowd. I sat up further on my chair clearing my throat a little, in awkwardness, shifting Daenyra so her dress was rolling up her small body rocking her in place.

"Yes he is my husband, I gave him my blessing to go along with my brother in the Stepping Stones. And although it's lasting longer I have faith in them." I nodded my head a few times, Rheanyra still leaning over me in amusement before speaking out suddenly.

"And what do you suspect we do to help them? By sitting around here stuffing our faces with cake and wine no?" I snorted under my breath quietly lifting one hand up to flick at her forehead slightly, causing for her to whine in protest looking back at me in amusement.

"I leave that to you princess Rheanyra." I shot her a look of not to hurt the women's feelings to much standing up from my spot, the music seemed to fade from my ears making my way out of the large tent feeling Daenyra resting her head on my shoulder slumped over. I was met with the gloomy sight of the weather outside flashing in my eyes.

My head tilting up to study the grey skies with a solemn gaze. We are here celebrating Aegon's first birthday it didn't seem right when there were men fighting for their lives to ensure a new ground to take. In a smooth like rhythm, my hand rubbed all over the little one's back in place humming a quiet tune my eyes looking away from the ring resting in place on my finger.

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