Chapter Eleven

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Amira's Pov
The fiery night was filled with loud sudden shrieking laughter. My head found its way moving away from the large pillows in weight, watching Daemon as he tickled at our daughters side gently, keeping her fresh against his chest. It was gonna take more than just one day for her to be used to Daemon's presence around not only for herself but for me as well.

He seemed to gradually take to the role with ease, holding her close to his chest muttering about how beautiful she was, stroking under her jaw with a smile of admiration. It was enough for me to fall for the man one more time all over again.

"Darling did you know she sleeps like you?" I took my attention away from the mirror with a look of curiosity the laughter has died down, seeing him laying there with her sound asleep on his chest her tiny hands called up into little fists with ease snoozing away.

"Does she now? I noticed that when even Does sleep in the bed with me, she takes after me she likes to climb on my back." I joked gently carefully climbing into the bed with him, a light little grunt leaving me quietly propping my hand up against my head, staring into the deep purple hues of his.

"She's so beautiful... All I can see is us in her, and I missed out on a lot but I don't wanna go anywhere else but here.. I'm serious Amira I want many many kids as can be." I held back a small snort in amusement, leaning in to cup at his face urging him towards me, pressing a few kisses to his puckered out lips.

"The first birth alone for this babe was painful as it was husband, I called the midwife and maester a cunt but our adorable niece was there with me when I named her after the both of you." He shook with husky laughter tilting his head up further to build the kiss up.

"Oh but the pleasure you had received for the many moons for her to come, you never denied my seed than." I choked on my own snort of a laughter cupping at his jaw, resting my temple on his own.

"Maybe if my husband behaves I'll give him a special treat yeah?" I giggled across his lips brushing my fingers through the small strands of his hair watching him lift an eyebrow in my direction, grabbing my hand with the ring tightly secured around the fingers pressing soft open kisses to the palm.

"I missed you my love, your memory kept me going very likely." I cracked a soft smile pressing a few kisses to his temple before lowering my head down, pressing a few kisses to Daenyra's sleeping head watching Daemon tilt his head down to watch her.

The night was filled with playful laughter, sleep took over me with ease. When I had woken up the next morning all the servants had helped me get Daenyra dressed as well as myself. My husband had taken his own matters earlier I had presumed. Walking with Daenyra towards the garden for her usual teachings of the Dragon ways, I could hear Alicent's angry voice speaking to another figure.

"There's rumors going around about you Rheanyra and I pray they aren't true.. I would never go against my fathers word." She paused.

"You would be deeply hurting your aunt as well.. And all she has done has shown you nothing but kindness.. There are rumors about you and Daemon in one of the brothels last night." I could hear the deep intake from Rhenarya's part.

"That's a foul accusation.. A terrible one, I would never do that to my aunt to Amira, I know she loves my uncle!" The single thought brought me away from my disbelief thoughts. Of course all Daemon wanted to do was to be closer to the throne in anyway possible. I bounced Daenyra a couple times on my hip in place to conceal most of my bubbling anger exhaling through my nose.

I saw Alicent glanced over Rheanyra to give me a deep sympathetic look of apologies. Rheanyra spun around in that very moment, looking at me with sadness quickly stepping towards me, her hands grabbing the edge of her red dress deeply.

"Auntie Amira.. That's a foul accusation you know I would never do that you.. I would never." She snaps out, reaching her hands out to grab at the edge of my arms a little looking at me in my eyes.

I shifted my eyes down for a moment, exhaling before looking back up in the moment.

"Tell your uncle and my husband if he wishes to speak to me. He may come and see me before I leave."

I See Fire »»  Daemon TargaryenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ