20 | There's More to It

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It was around 6 pm now. We called the day off as Johann had to visit his father's office. Since there's only 4 months left for us to complete our master's, it's time that he officially takes over his father's business and that requires him to visit it often.

"It's time I and Emily leave, flight's in another 30 minutes. Take care of yourself and of your friends son," Uncle Steve said and walked up to me. "He's been through a lot, lost so many loved ones and that had him depressed. You seem to bring joy into his life again, he's the only living reminder of my sister and my best friend, just don't hurt him, dear."

"Johann had said this countless times to our family, when he did, I realised that it's the same with me too, I'd die myself rather than hurt him." I took Johann's right hand in my left and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You two don't only love each other, but also help one another to rise with it. God bless you both," His eyes teared up, he pulled us both into a hug.

We then said our goodbyes and I went home with my parents, after Johann had left for his father's office.

There was a knock on my door when I was drying my hair. I pulled it open, it was daddy.

"Can we have a talk? It's been long since we had a father, daughter conversation,"

"We can have one now, even if the last we had was just 2 days ago." I laughed.

"Hahaha, all right, how are things with Johann?" He took a seat on my bed.

"We're great, happy together and love each other the same as we did in the beginning," I set the dryer aside and sat cross legged on the bed.

"Good that you're happy... It's been 8 to 9 months, right?"


"Just out of curiosity, what'd you do if he puts forward a marriage proposal?" I stared at him for a couple of seconds.

"Say what now!? Was my initial response. "What do you mean by what'd I do?"

"As you know, young ones nowadays, date to get to know each other, to see if they'd be perfect for a life partner in various aspects, including the physical one. Knowing you two, I can bet on my life that the aspect is just as it was 8 months ago," I sighed and nodded. "So...?"

"I'd say yes, daddy. Love is not just that, there's more to it. We don't have to have had it to say, or to prove that we love each other. Besides, if he's about to propose me as you say, does that not mean he too doesn't give a d*mn about it? If he's okay with it, why'd I hold back?" Having said it, I realised that I was beaming with pride and joy at the thought of him proposing me.

"You two are really meant to be dear, stay blessed." He stroked my hair. "Okay now, good night honey bun." He got up to leave.

"It's night all right, now tell me the truth," I caught his hand, preventing him from getting up.

"Wh...what truth?"

"You know what I mean daddy, this talk wasn't just 'out of curiosity', so...?"

"Ugh...fine, it's just 2 days ago I saw him looking for rings online. When he saw me coming, he closed the page,"

"He doesn't shop online daddy,"

"I know, dear. Maybe he was looking for designs, or something, but you don't get your hopes high, it can be just me,"

"I won't daddy, don't worry. And besides, it's Emma's birthday next month and we all know the girl's obsession with rings," I laughed.

"True that. Now, can I leave?"

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