Chapter 16: Unsure

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Light burned on my eyelids, forcing me to wake. Following the sun's rays, I found a newly rusted away hole at the top corner of my room. Stretching my sore limbs, I glanced over at my dresser. Lazily I reached to open a drawer and studied its contents. In light of the cold bite of the morning air, I opted for my long-sleeve training attire.

Today we are sparring as we resume our training activities after the tragedy. Sighing, I let myself fall into my pool of thought. As much as I wanted to be proud of myself for how far I've come, arrogance kills. Nervousness took firm hold of me as my negative ponderings threatened to drown me.

I have gotten stronger. I have scars to prove it. I have grown so much, but what if I haven't grown enough for what I have to do? What do I even have to do? I have nothing but a mission statement to aim for my next steps.

As the familiar alarm of hard knocks sounded, I pulled out of my spiral. That's right. Today I just have to worry about the spar. I don't need to win, I just need to prove my growth.

I can do this. I thought as I finished pulling my legs through my training suit. Pulling my arms through, I tugged at the makeshift drape and tossed it back onto my bed. On my way to the exit, I pulled at my zipper, which had gotten stuck. Stopping in my tracks, I focused more on the stubborn track that was caught at my lower back. Feeling rather exposed, I turned to walk back to my room. As I felt a presence behind me, I halted.

"Need some help with that?" A deep voice questioned.

Calmly, he pulled either side of the fabric above the zipper together with one hand. In the other, he took the zipper and pulled it upward. His thumb brushed the bare skin along my spine until the zipper reached its destination.

"There." He declared, his work was done.

"Thanks," I uttered as I turned to face my sparring partner.

With a small smile, he turned toward the exit expecting me to follow.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked once I had caught up to him.

"Yeah, I am. Don't go easy on me like you did yesterday." I laughed.

"I'll let you keep believing I took it easy on you for my ego's sake." He revealed as he joined in on my fit of laughter.

"Hey, Kels! I'm rootin' for you today, so you better not lose!" Chimed Gabe, to my surprise, as we joined the lineup.

Damien jabbed an elbow into Gabe's side in response to his outburst, granting laughter from all of us. Sarcastically, I saluted Gabe as an acceptance of his mission.

"Alright, alright. Everyone settled down. Happy to see everyone is so lively this morning! As you all know, we are sparring today with all of your original sparring partners. I trust you all remember the rules?" He took the uninterrupted silence as an answer and began to trek to the burial ground.

As we followed behind, I looked up at the passing fleet of seagulls. One was falling a bit behind the others. As I studied it more closely, I realized it had two heads. It was rare, but not too uncommon. Back during the great flood, it was said that nuclear power was an assisting factor. Overexposure to the radiation caused the anomaly. Every once in a while a fish will pass by with five fins or various other birth defects. It is rare to see them out here, however. Another job of the Protectors is to search for land or other masses like Portum. The scholars believe there have to be if so many birds to still be thriving. Despite years of search, however, there have been no findings.

Just in time for Shane's announcement, I refocused on my surroundings. "First up is Gabriel and Daphne."

The two approached the shore we arrived at just moments before while I was distracted. They glanced at one another for a moment before she turned away and dove. Gabriel quickly followed in after her, and they both sank beneath the ocean's surface.

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