Chapter 15

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Happy 200 votes everyone!!! Doing a happy dance here!! 💃💃💃💃. Here's a new chapter to celebrate 🥂🥂🥂!!

" The rumors are true! You did get married!!" The new lady cried, her cheeks flushed. Maya stared at her, confused. Who is she? She began to ask Dexter but cut herself short when she saw the deadly look on Dexter's face as he stared back at the stranger...

The air in the room changed as Dexter glared at the stranger, his eyes growing dark, veins popping out from his neck.

" Get out." Dexter groaned, his voice calm and deadly. The stranger flinched, gripping her clothes tightly, her face turning crimson.

" But!.." she began, opening her mouth to speak again. Dexter cast a pointed look to the guards behind her and immediately understanding, they dragged the beautiful stranger out, her screams of refusal echoing in the room. She glared at Maya as was dragged out. Soon the door was slammed shut and silence descended.

He turned back to Maya who still had that confused look on her face. They were silent for so long till Maya spoke up.

" What just happened? Who is that?" Maya asked, looking up at him, a puzzled look on her face.

The frosty look Dexter had on melted and he shrugged. " Just an annoying pest I need to take care of." He muttered, traces of anger still in his voice. Maya just stared at him, perplexed.

" Okay...." She whispered, clutching the sheets around her body tighter. Dexter sighed, running a hand through his hair. He let out a weary smile, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

" I have to go now. " He said softly. The maids will be here to help you get dressed." He said to her and she nodded.

" Okay... Your- Dexter." She quickly corrected herself, her cheeks flushed. Dexter lips twitched, amused.

He stepped out of the bed and Maya watched him as he dressed. His muscles in full display for him to see, he looked more enthralling now than he did last night. Maya still found hard to believe it was still the same person who's life she had saved years ago.

He finished dressing up and turned to see Maya staring at him, her eyes filled with wonder. He grinned, walking back to her. " What are you thinking about?" He asked.

" Nothing. Just wondering how you're the same and different at the same time." She whispered.

Dexter didn't know how to reply her words, so he didn't say anything. Instead, lowered himself, kissing the bridge of her nose. " I'll be back." He whispered.

" I'll be here." She replied. Where else would she be? Dexter's eyes glinted and Maya felt tingles down her spine.

He straightened up, not breaking eye contact as he made his way to the door, his eyes smiling. He reached the door and pulled down the doorknob.

" I'll see you tonight." He muttered before closing the door behind him.

Now alone, Maya allowed herself to think. It was crazy how things have changed in an instant. Yesterday, she was a desperate princess running from a marriage prepared from hell, now she's married to one of the most powerful kings in the continent. And it's not just anyone but Dexter himself. This knowledge will take some time to get used to, she thought to herself, a blush spreading on her cheeks.

A decision she thought will seal her soul to darkness and endless suffering ended up becoming her saving grace. The most splendid twist of fate. A smile touched her lips at the thought. It cleared as immediately as it came when she remembered the state of her kingdom now. At her request, Dexter had killed the rest of the Royal family of Madonia, making her the only living Royal. She shuddered as she remembered his emotionless face as she slaughtered them while leading her away from the scene. What will happen to her kingdom now? Not that she cared but still.

A knock came on the door, interrupting her train of thoughts. Guessing it would be the maids Dexter summoned for her, she told them come in. Two young ladies walked in first, accompanied by a middle aged woman with a darker skin. Maya recognized her to be Rosa, the woman who had accompanied to the King's room the night before.

" Good morning, Your Majesty" They greeted in unison, thier heads still bowed.

Maya stared at them, an unreadable expression on her face as she comprehended their words. Her eyes widened as she understood it. She was no longer a princess now... But a queen. A queen to a different kingdom.

She swallowed, her heart pounding
The smile Dexter had on his face while he was with Maya disappeared the second he stepped out of the room. An air of coldness settled around him, a grim look on his face as he walked down the hallway. The guards on duty bowed to him and he regarded them with a nod of his head. Just outside his quarters, he met Fleurie waiting for him.

" Your Majesty!" She began saying but he ignored her completely, walking past her. Beckoning on a nearby guard, he stopped walking. Fleurie paused behind him, waiting him out. The guard rushed to him, bowing once he once close enough.

" You called on me, Your Majesty" The guard stated, his head still bowed.

" Tell Geoffrey to meet to meet me at my study." He ordered.

The guard nodded. " Yes, your majesty," he said before disappearing out of sight. He continued to the study.

" Your Majesty!" Fleurie's voice came again.

" What?!" He asked, clearly irritated.

Fleurie hesitated, worrying her lower lip but she forced the words out anyway. " The rumors... Are they true. Did you really marry someone?"

" Yes." He said as a matter of fact.

She blanched, taking steps back. " B-but... But that can't be! You're supposed to marry me!"

" When did I promise that?" He asked, his voice cool but with an edge to it, his eyes glowering.

She swallowed, sweat pouring from her body. "E-everyone knows t-that." She stuttered out. " The law states that...."

He scoffed, his gaze darkening. Pinning her a glare, eyes narrowed, he grated out. " Still holding on to that? I already told you it's not happening. Why do you and your father keep insisting on it?"

Because you murdered my husband! She almost screamed at him but the words wouldn't make it past her throat. She could only stare at him, petrified.

" Anyway, I'm married now. So it doesn't count. You can go back to wherever you came from." He threw the words at her and began walking. Then stopped.

" Oh, and-" He began, his voice dropping a few octaves. " Let this be the last time you ever barge into my room without my order for you to come in." He turned to her then, glaring daggers at her. " The next time it happens, you will be risking having your head separated from your neck."

Fleurie turned white with fear from the threat. He turned back walked away, leaving Fleurie rooted to the spot.

Author's note:
Boy... It's like every chapter becomes even harder to write as the stakes rise 😫😫😫. Took me days to plan this chapter that would only take minutes for y'all to read. (Sobbing internally:'(:'()

 (Sobbing internally:'(:'()

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This is our female lead. In my mind she's more pretty and meaner.
See you guys in the next chapter! 🙈🙈🙈

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