Chapter 36

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Playlist: Tragic by Tommee Profitt featuring Fleurie.

       A few days later, Nicholas knelt before the royalty, his gaze on the ground as the queen spoke. The king was with her, and the air was riddled with tension that made it impossible for him to breathe.

     "I'll help Gegoria in any way I can but you have to promise not to do anything stupid." Maya was saying, her voice calm and controlled. He gritted his teeth, his vision blurring with rage.

      "Yes, your highness." He forced out, the words leaving a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.

     "It's Your Majesty." A low voice corrected and his felt his blood run cold. He clenched his fists.

     "I apologise, your majesties." He answered.

     He heard the queen clear her throat and she continued. " We would be letting you go back now but don't forget we would be watching. If you decide to pose as a threat to Madonia, we would not hesitate to attack. This will be your final warning."

     "Yes, your majesty." He replied. Only then was he allowed to raise his head. They were sitting together and he wavered just a little. They looked so powerful together, he has never seen the princess look more authoritative. She was always hiding in the shadows back in the palace and despite her death glares and empty threats, she was mostly harmless. He subconsciously swallowed. Maybe she was right. Maybe she really wasn't being maltreated by him.

    That confused him. How would someone who was so heartless to everyone be sweet to her? What sort of history do they have together? He was forced on his feet by the guards that were nearby.

     "You will be accompanied back to Gegoria. Try to placate the people while you're there. I'll send help soon." Maya spoke once again.

    "Thank you for your mercy." He said, bowing once more. He raised his head and his eyes briefly met the king and he stiffened. Those icy eyes were glaring back at him not bothering to hide their intentions. He wanted to kill him. Great, because that was the same thought running through his head. The animosity between them was astounding.

     Maya touched his hand and he saw him soften just a little. He glanced briefly at her and she smiled at him. Nicholas was surprised by the act. The guards led him out of the throne room to the carriage, still bound in  his hands and legs, making it impossible to struggle against them.

     He was made to seat between two burly soldiers and after confirming that they were ready, The carriage began moving. As they journeyed out of the palace, he slipped back to the thoughts that had been plaguing him these past few days. Frankly, he couldn't believe his ears. The princess didn't just defend the man who had destroyed their kingdom, attacked her family with no cause and plunged everyone into despair. He had hoped she would help with his plans for revenge but it looked like she wanted no part of it. He couldn't be more disappointed.

     An image flashed in his mind and his heart ached. Princess Agatha. The only reason he had bothered seeking out the princess. They had been betrothed to each other and about to get married when the attack happened. He couldn't be more devastated. He just wanted vengeance for her death but it looked like it won't be happening.

    They had travelled for the whole day without rest and Nicholas was nodding off in the carriage where he was seated when he heard an explosion outside that jolted him awake. Glancing around furtively,  he came to the daunting realization that they had been attacked. The soldiers who had been guarding the carriage from outside quickly began to fight but since they were outnumbered, they were soon overpowered.

     It was clear that no one was expecting the attack. Still bound, Nicholas managed to escape from the carriage, running as fast as his legs could take him. Someone was running after him and he soon caught up with him. Hitting him behind the head and he fell to the ground, head throbbing, his vision growing hazy. The person turned him around and punching at the jaw, effectively knocked him out. He mumbled a silent curse before he fell unconscious.
      When he awoke, he couldn't figure out where he was. His head was throbbing and hsi throat was parched. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, his sight blurry. He tried to move and discovered to his dismay that he had been tied down to a chair. Raising his head, he gazed around him. He seemed to be in a shack of some sort, the old musty smell assaulting his nose, causing him to wrinkle them. He tried to struggle but seeing he couldn't break free, soon gave up.

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