Chapter 30

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Is this where he wanted me to follow him?

Staring at Ethan, kneeling in front of his father's grave, I sighed sadly looking at his sorrow.

I stayed two steps behind to give him a bit of privacy.

He has been quiet since we arrived. He didn't talk except stare at the tombstone, he didn't even show any emotion.

After some time which felt like forever, he turned towards me and extended his arm offering his hand.

Not thinking much, I stepped towards him and placed my hand in his, and kneeled beside him in front of the grave.

"Greet him." He spoke turning towards me.


"Tell him about yourself." He continued and after a frowning moment, I did what he said.

"Well, I am Lauren. Twenty-five right now. I work as a personal assistant in-" his laugh stopped me from embarrassing myself any further.

"Don't tell me you are going to say what you majored in university too." He chuckled.

Well, I was about to.

It's a joke.

It's not.

"Dad, she is Lauren. Remember your friend Mike? She is his daughter." He began turning to his father's tomb. "Also, your son's wife." He continued and gave me a short smile.

After a silent minute, he spoke again.

"You know dad, she is just like you. You both have many common things. She loves eating food like you. She is also a terrible cook just like you." He chuckled a bit at the end.

"If you were here dad, I think you two will be a good team." He grieved.

He stayed silent and hung his head slightly low.

After a moment of pulling himself together, he began again.

"Sometimes, I miss you a lot more than usual. Especially when I have to decide something. It gets hard to decide. You always used to help me in making decisions, advising me."

"But after you are gone, it became tough. I had no one to look up to anymore. Everything was difficult at the start."

He stared at the ground.

I knew he was silently mourning his father's death inside.

"You shouldn't have left me."

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

My heart clenched at the sight in front of me.

"I was all alone, dad." He raised his head up and tears started streaming down his cheeks.

His words ached my heart.

I don't know how it would be to lose someone you love.

"Grandpa was there for me. He did everything I asked. But it wasn't the same." He muttered lowly shaking his head.

"You did everything even before I ask." His voice quavered unsteadily and the sight in front of me brought tears.

I quickly moved towards him and brought him closer to me to offer him some comfort.

He instantly wrapped his arms around me and rested his head in the crook of my neck, silently weeping.

"It's okay. Shh." Rubbing his back, I comforted him.

He tightened his hold on me and I pulled him even closer towards me.

"I miss him a lot, Lauren." He sobbed in his heartbroken voice and I tried hard not to cry myself.

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