Chapter 40

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**Mature Content**


As soon as we entered our penthouse and shut the door, his lips returned back on mine with an urgency that made me feel tingles all over my body.

I didn't even know how we managed to drive home with all the tension brewing between us.

Ethan kissed me passionately pinning me to the wall beside the door and his hands caressed my waist digging his fingers into my body.

Tightening my grip on his shoulders, I exhaled into the kiss when I felt his teeth bite my lower lip softly sending pleasure all over my body.

He shifted back to take a glance at my face for a moment and what I saw in his eyes filled my body with an unknown excitement and thrill.

The desire in his usually-blue-but-now-darker- eyes is very evident with the intense way he is looking at me like he want to devour my everything. 

He tucked my wet hair behind my ear and brushed his thumb on my cheek and I leaned into his rough and warm palm seeking warmth in them.

He inched closer to me and I waited impatiently for him to cut out the distance between us and kiss me but he only took his time staring at me with smile and mischievous eyes.

When I glared at him playfully, he gave me a small laugh that made me smile warming my heart.

"I love you, Lauren. A lot." 

His words quickened my heartbeat and I had to struggle not to pass out from happiness.

Get a grip, Lauren.

"I love you too, Mr. Ethan Kingston."

He erased the distance between us and softly brushed his lips against mine. He took his time slowly and savoring my lips at the begin but soon the urgency came back in the kiss.

 He pressed his hard muscular body on mine pinning me to the wall tighter and my hands got lost in his hair pulling him closer to me to kiss him better.

The toe-curling kiss continued for a few more moments giving me the taste of heaven and also hell at the same time.  The way he kissed me gave me a peek at heaven. But the wait to feel something more and something more intense than a kiss tasted like hell on my tongue.  

I need more.

I want more.

But my mind blanked when Ethan pulled away from the kiss creating distance between us.

"We need to stop, Lauren." 

I frowned at his words.


"I think we are moving too quick." I had to bite back a scowl at his words.

He pushed his hair back with his fingers breathing hard and he shifted away from me fisting his hands. 

I moved towards him and stood just an inch apart and taking his hand from his side to mine with my trembling hand. I brushed my thumb on his knuckles and brought it to my lips. Placing a light kiss on his knuckles, I stared at his face and something dark shifted in his eyes at my action making me feel hot all over my face.

"I want you, Ethan. In every way." I spoke still holding his hand with a strange sensation of thrill, excitement and... arousal?

"Don't tempt me, Lauren. If I start, I can't stop myself."

He spoke with a strange restrain in his voice.

"Maybe I don't want you to stop." I whispered fluttering my eyes at him and that broke the wall.

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