Not Forgotten

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Veronica's pov~

Walking out of my house I made my way to the 1980 off white BMW E12. I opened the door, getting into the driver's seat. I turned on the ignition and backed out of the driveway. It was a fairly hot day, so I rolled down the windows as soon as I made it down the street.

"So how was your vacation?" 

"Fine." I said without nearly any emotion present in my voice. 

"Just fine?" I just shook my head. She paused before thinking of what to say next.

" And Micheal? How is he? Are you two doing alright?" She asked.

"We're fine. He's just a little upset that he couldn't spend spring break with me, and to be completely honest, so was I. Instead I had to spend it with my estranged father in some dingy old town." I said not hiding the bitterness in my tone this time.

"Veronica's he's your father. He has a right to see you. And Hawkins is not a bad town. I grew up there, and so did your aunt, and your uncle and even your cousin. It's a nice town for families, it's much smaller and safer than here in some ways."

"Well I don't think it's all that great compared to Pheonix." I sighed.

"Oh come on now, it couldn't be that bad staying there."

"It was so boring. I spent most of the week in my room because Nicole was redecorating and wouldn't let me go anywhere in the house, and dad had business men over almost everyday. He was always working and never did anything with me, so I don't see why I have to keep wasting my vacation to go visit him. " I groaned out and she sighed.

"I'm sorry your visit wasn't great. And I know your father works a lot, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care, he's just busy. You know the court settlement gives him the right to see you on vacations and holidays until you're 18. If you don't continue to visit him, then he can get custody of you. You hadn't seen him in almost a year, Ronnie." She says.

I turn my head to look at her.

"Mom, promise me that I won't have to go back there again for at least another year." I pleaded. My mother's hazel eyes scolded me.

"Veronica." She warned.

"I hate it there! I don't know anyone but my cousin who is too busy with his girlfriend and my dad who is busy with work. He wouldn't even realize if I wasn't here next break. I have a life here in Pheonix and he can't just take that away from me to go visit him whenever he wants." I argued. She frowned.

"Okay fine, You don't have to visit him again until next spring." She gives in.

"Promise?" I asked, not breaking eye contact to see if she really meant what she was saying. She sighs, rolling her eyes before giving me a small smile.

"Yes, I promis" It all happened so fast. A bright light bled into the window. Within a second  I couldn't see my surroundings as everything around me including myself was spinning.The air bags released, but the car was still moving. For a long moment or what I thought was long- I was suspended upside down, before the car rolled again. My vision was blurred, but I guess it was better than seeing what happened. Suddenly everything stopped, and I was still in my seat as the car landed. I couldn't feel anything, but I knew I was injured because red covered my vision as blood seeped into my eyeballs. I knew that wasn't a good sign, but it seemed that my mind had slowed down and didn't care. I looked over to my right to the seat beside me to see if my mom was okay. But she wasn't sitting beside me anymore.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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