Dead, No! Alive!

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Dustin and Steve's plan to become heroes for finding a secret Soviet base in Hawkins backfired, as they brought Robin, and Lucas' little sister, Erica in their mess. The group tried to get Erica to crawl throw a vent in the mall to make it into the guarded 'shipping' unit the Russians use. When Erica unlocked the base,allowing the trio to enter, they found a green like substance in a metal and class contraption, belonging to the Russians scientists. Before they could leave,the 'shipment room' dropped down into the secret base. 

The group having to fight off some Russians,to find a way out of the base, while Joyce Byers and Hopper met them there along with the group of young teens. 

In Soviet uniform, Joyce and Hopper made their way to the Russian lab to turn off the magnetic field machine to close the opening of the upside down,that Russian scientist made. Hopper took on a few Russian guards before running out of the lab, while Joyce turned the machine on, closing the opening.

Meanwhile the group of young teens along with Nancy and Jonathan tried to fight off Billy as the freaking mindflayer creature ascended upon Starcourt. The kids hid in Jonathan's car as, a flayed Billy came speeding towards them in his blue camaro. A sinister smile stayed on his face as Nancy continuously shot at his windshield. Billy almost hit the group, as Nancy flinched, prepared to get hit, but Steve with Robin in the passenger seat, used his car to crash and swerve Billy's car out of the way, resulting in him becoming unconscious. 

The group drove away, pretending El,the mind flayer's target was with them as it originally followed until realizing she wasn't in the car and returned to Starcourt, seeing when Billy regained consciousness, Mike and Max where leading El who's leg was injured out of the mall, until they saw Billy. Running  back, Max pressed the button which closed the gates to prevent Billy from coming in.  

While in the the mall's delivery backway, Mike and Max put El down, as Billy entered. Max stood in the door way trying to awaken the Billy that was still in there. 

"Billy. You don't have to do this. Your name is Billy Hargrove you live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please I'm Max,I"m your sis-" Max tried to say as 'Billy' approached her. Billy smacked her out of his way,and threw Mike to the wall.

He grabbed El, and brought her to the center of Starcourt Mall,in front of the mind flayer, as Steve,Robin,Lucas, Will, Nancy and Jonathan threw fireworks at it from the the second floor. Eleven telepathically looked into Billy's childhood memories, and talked about his mom.This caused the real Billy to resurface as tears formed in his eyes. At this point Max and Mike made it to where El was,as Billy stood up and prevented the mindflayer's appendages from attacking El, resulting in him getting stabbed. Max screamed Billy's name seeing her stepbrother die before her eyes. When the portal to the upside down closed, the mind flayer let go of Billy, and collapsed, dead.  

Looking up from his stab wounds, Billy turned towards Max before whispering, "I'm sorry." as he collapsed to the ground also. 

Max held onto Mike and El hugged her as she cried, afraid to see Billy this way. Joyce and Hopper made it out of the base and towards the group, as the fire department, police, and paramedics came. 

 El gave Hopper a hug, crying, but relieved, as the paramedics got to work checking and bandaging anyone injured, outside. Then one of the paramedics from inside yelled running to the others, 

"Hey, we have a body in here. He's still breathing!" a group of paramedics ran inside, as Max stood quietly,looking at the entrance of the mall. 

When they returned, she saw, Billy being carried out on a stretcher, as the paramedics began to hook him up to an IV, carrying him into an ambulance truck.

"Billy! He's alive!" Max yelled, looking back at the group in hope.

Very short and rushed summary, just watch it, but mostly everyone survives! yay. Now the fun begins. Veronica is coming back now that season 3 is at it's end.

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