❀ Chapter 16 ❀

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"Was there something I could help you with, Miss Cavendish?" I squeal and jump at least two feet in the air at his question.

My hand comes to my chest, "Fields! You nearly scared the life out of me!" I realize then that I should not be admonishing him. At the moment, I am the one in the wrong. He is wearing only a shirt and trousers with no jacket or tie. I don't think I have woken him but have assuredly disrupted his private time. "Oh goodness! I am so sorry. I should not be here." I turn to leave but then turn back to explain. "It is just that I was so nervous at dinner that I didn't eat. And I was ever so hungry as I lay upstairs. But I didn't want to wake Rachel or anyone else from their precious sleep. So I thought I would look for a piece of bread or meat or cheese or something easy so I didn't disturb anyone."

I grab my candle and turn to go, "I'll go, I didn't mean to interrupt your evening. I am so sorry, please forgive me." I start to leave and turn around. "Please don't tell Mrs. Goode I was here, I would hate to get a reprimand. Sorry again." I give a little bow.

Fields looks surprised like he doesn't know what to make of me, "Miss Cavendish, you are in no danger of getting a rebuke. If you are hungry, let me help you find something to eat." I look into his eyes then and they are filled with kindness. 

I let out my breath in relief and walk back and put my candle on the counter next to his lantern. "I would love that, if it isn't too much trouble."

Fields gives me a kind smile as he walks around the kitchen. "No trouble at all, I am fond of a midnight snack myself sometimes." He is caring to say it, but I doubt it is true. He seems like the type who would eat on a schedule. He cuts a thick slice of bread, putting it on a plate. He hands me a crock of butter with a knife. I butter the bread as he gets a piece of ham and cheese from the icebox. "Milk?"

I give him a glowing smile. "Yes, please. Thank you, Fields. You've created a whole feast for me!" His little smile makes me think he is happy to have been of service. He brings the glass of milk over and sets it down next to the plate of food. "I am sorry to bother you so late." I take a bite of the buttered bread.

Fields is looking at me like he is trying to figure something out. "Were you really worried you would get admonished for getting food?" I nod. "You are a guest here at Beaumont, we are here to serve you and tend to your needs. You need not worry about disturbing me or any other servants here, anytime of day or night."

I frown a bit. "But you all work so hard. You need your sleep more than anyone. I can sleep as late as I want, but you all have work in the morning." His eyes are filled with approval. It is good to know I haven't messed everything up. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness."

Fields smiles, "Let us please be done with the apologies and gratitude, Miss Cavendish. Most guests would not have the same generosity about the staff that you do." He is done cleaning up. "Would you like to take the food to your room?"

I sip the milk, "Yes, thank you." I try balancing the plate in one hand and the cup in the other but Fields looks worried I will spill. 

He takes the cup. "Let me at least help you up the stairs." This allows me to take my candle which is now snuffed but his lantern lights the way.

We walk up to the first floor and I remember the book I wanted. "Would it be too much trouble if I ate in the library? I was hoping to get a book to take to bed."

Fields nods. "Certainly, Miss." He opens the library door and lights some lanterns so that I can see. "I'll come check on you in a bit."

"Please don't trouble yourself, I will extinguish the lamps before I go. I would hate to keep you from sleep." The library is much brighter than the kitchen was and I happen to glance down and remember I am in my nightgown and I gasp and look at Fields with wide open eyes. "You must be shocked at my state of undress! I am so sorry. I felt so comfortable in your presence I never remembered it! Please don't think badly of me!" Then as an afterthought, "Or tell my aunt!"

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