❀ Epilogue II ❀

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Four years later

I sit down and rest for the hundredth time today. My hand strokes up and down my protruding belly and I consider again that I thought my second pregnancy would be easier than the first. But, alas, I have been more tired this time around and much bigger also. Edmund teases that we are going to have such a darling fat baby girl, a younger sister for our dear Theodore. But I predict we will have another boy and they will grow up together like Edmund and James did. Hopefully with less pranks pulled.

Tanner enters the school room and sees me sitting. He gives me a smile and comes right over to help, he is used to my tiredness by now. "I've finished my work in the stables, so I'm ready to help, Milady."

I reach up and grab his hand in our familiar way. Tanner feels more like a member of the family than a servant. He has been my shadow these last four years, when he is not in the stables. He often likes to help me with experiments in my new science laboratory. I hand him the pile of papers. "Thank you Tanner. The students have finished their writing, I wonder if you could correct them today?"

He smiles and takes them readily. Tanner is one of my best pupils, he learned to read and write very quickly and now helps to teach and correct some work of the beginner readers in our group. 

We have offered the servants an hour off of their duties each day to better themselves. Some have learned to read and write, others have taken cooking lessons from the new cook or stitchery class from Rachel. I am learning sewing also but Rachel says that I am one of her most challenging students. I cannot even count the number of times I have had to rip out all my stitches and start over.

I feel a kick in my belly and naturally reach to press on on the tender spot, "Oooo."

Tanner looks at me warily, he always takes my wellbeing so seriously. Edmund praises him for being ever my protector. "Would you like me to help you to your room or fetch Lord Westworth, Milady?"

I smile up at him, "No, Tanner, I am fine, just a little kick." It actually was a hard kick but I won't admit to it. "Tanner, have you thought any more about your job offers?" Tanner knows he is welcome to stay with us, but I want him to make choices for his future, knowing what all his options are.

Tanner nods, "I talked to Lord Farthing and Mr. Tide at the Inn. They both need help in their stables. I got a job offer from each one." He gets a look of dread. "But every time I think of leavin' I get a sick stomach. I just hope you and the master will let me stay a little longer."

I smile up at him and pat his arm, "Tanner, every time you turn down a job and stay longer, I will rejoice. Nothing would make me happier than for you to stay until you are old and grey. I can't even imagine my life without you!" He beams with my praise just like he did when he was fourteen. "But one day you might decide to leave us and although I will be sad, I will be happy for you, if you are happy." I can tell by his wary look he doesn't like me to mention that he could want to leave us. "And then we will invite you and your wife and children to visit and eat with us in the dining room!" I see true amusement in his eyes at this, he clearly isn't ready to think about a wife and children. "But maybe that is a few years away yet?"

Tanner nods his head as Edmund enters the school room, "There she is! There's your mum! I was guessing we would find her in here." He has Theo on his shoulders and they need to duck quite low to clear the doorway. 

Edmund's bright blue eyes shine when he sees me. Two year old Theo's matching blue eyes do the same. Theo claps his hands and calls, "Mama!"

Edmund comes closer and gives Tanner a pat on the arm in greeting as he addresses me, "Theo was hoping his Mama would come take an afternoon nap with him. He has gotten into the habit of having you there and mister stuffed lion wasn't a good substitute." He rubs across my back, "How are you feeling today?"

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