who is this nerd?

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Jade's pov.-
my mind went blank when I hear about my brother. I was standing there numb unable to do anything. All doctors were trying their hard to keep him alive. I was there standing dumfounded. It is almost like someone had left me in agony. I was numb unable to speak anything, but I was screaming from inside. When doctors said "I am sorry. We failed to save him."

A wave of sorrow had drifted me. I saw my parents were crying. I was blaming myself. I lost my beloved brother. How I am supposed to be living? I am the one who should die. Tears was falling from my eyes. I was screaming his name.
'James don't leave me'
I felt something heavy on me. Pushed it hard. I again felt something heavy on me. I grabbed my pillow. A familiar voice was echoing in my ear. I opened my eyes to see who it is.
"hey wake up jade."
I throw my pillow at him "Andrew what are you doing here. Get off your ass from here."
"hey hey! Sleeping beauty calm down." I tsked in annoyance.
"what do you want?" I asked in annoyance. I glared at him.
"whoa whoa calm down dude, you look like you are going to kill me."
I get up from bad and walked to the bathroom.
"I wish I could."

After getting out of bath. I sneaked into my closed and pull down v neck white t shirt and black jacket and grey jeans. I wore them and get into pair of shoes. I go downstairs to grab my breakfast. I greeted with my mom and she gave me a peck on my cheeks. I glared at Andrew who was eating peacefully.
"what are you doing here?" I asked.
"to pick you up. You are riding with me today. Thank me later."
oh god he is so annoying. I rolled my eyes.
"you know we are best friends" I was more annoyed from this statement he made.

I reached out the school and got to my class. Mr. George our homeroom teacher entered.
"hello students. Today we have a new student."

"come in miss Dalton and introduce yourself."

"h-h-hello my name is Erica Dalton." I stared at her blankly. She wore glasses. She looks like a nerd. But not to me. She has height of a model. She was pretty. She has long slender legs. She wore a hoodie. Oh lord what I am thinking. I snapped out of my thoughts. Teacher asked her to sit next to me. I seemed uninterested.

"look like we have another nerd in the class."

"okay student now gets back to the class."

Erica's Pov. -

Today is the day of my new high school. We moved back here Las Vegas. I quickly get a shower and dry myself. I was wearing an oversized hoodie, skinny jeans and glasses. I quickly get into my ankle length boots.
I grabbed my breakfast. I was already getting late. I ran out of my house. I reached there and get in principles office. He gave me my schedule for the day. Mr. George escorted me to the class room.
he announce to introduce myself. I did as I told. He told me to get on unoccupied sit nearby. There was a guy sitting alone looking out of window. I didn't mind at all.

"look like we have another nerd." Someone yelled.
I ignored the glares and stares everyone was giving me. I thought wish I could not messed up this time. But the people here aren't seemed happy either. It would be much better if anyone do not pick up on me. I continued to focus in the class.

"okay class enough for today. Mr. Andersen please do take care of miss Dalton to show around by school." He nodded then he stares at me and uninterestingly stood up and I followed him. There was complete silence.
"umm" he stooped.
"my name is jade." I nodded
"Erica" a group of girls was sending daggers at me. I ignored. What's the matter with them anyway.
"hush, thank you jade for showing me around"
"hn" okay I can tell this guy is weird 'hn' seriously.

He showed me my locker. I settle my things in it. I walked away to cafeteria and grab a smoothie, fries, and and ice cream of course. I was eating silently.

A girl came over to me "hey my name is Jessica"

'Erica Dalton" I greeted with her.

"Can I seat here" I nodded.

She asked me many questions. "So where were you previously. I mean why did you transferred here?" It caught me off guard. I have to tell her a lie.

"I was in japan previously. I moved here with my parents because they have business to attend here." I lied but it was half-truth.

Rest of the day passed with a blink of an eye. I came back home. And collapsed on bed. What a troublesome day.

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