the chase

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I heard everything. And after hearing all this sh*t, my heart was burning with the rage to kill this man in front of me. But I have to save my parents; those are innocent people who did nothing wrong. They cared for me even though they knew I was not their real blood, but they hid me from this accursed world by accepting me as their daughter in front of the world.

I have a very futile memory of my mom and dad, who died long ago in a car accident. It wasn't just a mere car accident; it was a planned murder. I have to kill those assholes who murdered them. And for that, I have to leave this place. I needed to be somewhere safer.

He came to the hospital room I was in. I acted as if I were asleep.

"Come on, princess, let's go," he said. I woke up and thought of a plan. I saw my surroundings. I saw a window. Referring to the floor I was on, it must be high.

"I need to change first; I can't step out like this," I said. There was a bag full of clothes.

"Sure, whatever you want." He stated that and stepped out.

I hurried and saw the floor I was on. It's 3rd floor; just luck on my side today. I took the sheets.

I was ready to run away. I changed into something. A pair of black pants and a T-shirt.
I climbed the sheets downward. I wasn't even afraid of the height; I have done this before; it's not my first time here; I have climbed the biggest buildings in LA.

I've reached my destination. Yes, on the ground. Nobody is paying attention here, but I was only seen by an old man who was in his 80s. I passed a smile on to him. I looked for my way out of there. I ran as fast as I could. I don't have money either. My cards and cash are all at home.

I run in the streets. I asked a man to give me his phone to make a call. I dialed the number.

"Hey, Oli, it's me, Eri. I need help. Help me get a car. And trace the call; you will get the location."

"Okay," she said.

I looked for my hideout. I reached a near-unresisted building. This building is already giving me chills. A man came out; he's like in his early 70s. He looks at me suspiciously. If I am some kind of thief,. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do not enter this building; it's haunted." My life can't be scary because I live in a world where monsters and demons exist in human masks.

I didn't have time to negotiate with the old man. I must go and hide somewhere because I am being chased by those monsters.

I ran and entered the building. The building was too old and dirty. It can collide anytime it looks like. I carefully placed my legs so as not to be heard by anyone. I saw them from the balcony's window; they did come. I kept going deeper into this building.

There were old portraits of people, mostly men. It's like they are seeing me; I get into a room. There was a shredded mirror and some dolls. Just like in movies, the actress enters a building and finds a room that is old and hoggy. But this is real life.

I got out of the room.

"This deal must be good; you got it?" I heard some people talking, and here I think I am alone in this building.

They made a deal about drugs and cocaine.

"human trafficking is not my business you know." What prickly jerks.

" Whatever get me some girls, and I will set you free, deal." I guess everyone is a pervert here. I tried to leave but I placed my leg on a mirror. I covered my mouth.

"See, who's the eavesdropping." The man ordered someone to look for the source of the sound; of course, it is me. I hide behind a desk. I didn't make any other noise as I was covering my mouth.

I made the noise of a cat: "Meow, meow." I hope this person falls for this trick and it works. He gets to work. "There is a cat in the hall."

I again tried to escape from the place. "There she is; hurry up and get her here." I hear loud gunshots from the people who were chasing me; one of them is shot and dead. I saw behind me the person who was holding the gun. He had a fine, sculpted face, mesmerizing eyes, and brown hair. He was just like a model.

"Get her over here." And I am dead again.

The man tried to touch my arm, but I dragged him upward, and he was on the floor. He got up and gave me a fist, but I dodged. I threw a fit, which made his nose run with blood.

"Everyone get her over here," the boss of this chaos gives orders to their men.

I didn't want to do this fight and get involved in killing people, but if they want me, I won't turn back now.

They came at me one by one. I charged at them. I kicked one man in his balls, one in the face, and a fist in his ribcage. "Bravo," a voice came behind me. It was none other than Gabriel, the pricky asshole. I am going to kill this man. "If you move one more time, I will kill your mother," said Bastardo. I give up. I was searching for the gun. "my, I didn't know the princess can fight, sexy" I found it on the floor. I quickly hurried and put the gun on his forehead.

"Everyone keep your weapons down or I will kill your boss," I ordered. They didn't put down their weapon. I shot a man in his leg. I shot the man behind the Vincentti, and he was dead.

I got closer to him and put that gun on his forehead; he was just staring at me. which made me confused about what he is thinking now.

"I got you, babe," I said my last words to him.

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