Bonus chapter 1: First date

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~*~ T R A V I S ~*~

"You know Moon," I began, "I don't even know your favourite colour."

I leant against the locker besides hers, staring fiercely at the ground as I pondered how little I knew about my girlfriend.

My girlfriend. Moon was my girlfriend.

She pulled her head out of her locker and turned to me, confusion etched on her brows, "You don't?"

I nodded, "We've been dating for a week and 5 days. I can't believe-"

She laughed as if I were making a fuss over nothing, "Does that seriously bother you?"

I groaned In frustration, "Yes. Of course it does."

She laughed again as she slammed her locker door shut, "Your such an idiot Travis, I can't believe your so worried about such a minor detail."

"Come on Moon, we were fucking before our first date. And we still haven't had a first date."

She shook her head as she smiled, "I don't need a first date with you, that stuff is just bullshit."

I took her hands in mine, "Let me take you on a date. Please. I really want to do this right."

Moon shrugged her shoulders and gave me an unsure look, "Is that really nece-"


Moon groaned and rolled her eyes, "Ok fine, you win."

I crushed her to my chest and planted a firm kiss on her pretty mouth, "Hell yeah! Are you good with today?"

My girlfriend smiled and nodded, "Sure."

I laughed excitedly and kissed her again before I pulled away, "Fuck, I have so much to prepare!"

She rolled here eyes with a smile on her face, "Travis your so cheesy."

I grinned, "You love it though don't you?"

"I really fucking do." She reached up and kissed me.

I swear my heart jumped out of my fucking chest. Even after 12 days of dating, I still couldn't believe she was my girlfriend. I pulled her to me and breathed in her sweet scent.

She was so fucking perfect.

After a long kiss, she reclined her head and smiled, "Let's continue this later, I need to get to class."

I smirked, "We sure will..." I leaned in and kissed her one last time before unravelling from her, "After our date."

"Yeah whatever, see you." She rolled her eyes as she walked away.

I watched her disappear with a stupid smile on my face before heading to my own class.

I loved my girlfriend so fucking much.


~*~ M O O N ~*~

"Travis," I groaned,"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

We were in an unfamiliar part of the city I had never really been to, away from the towering buildings and towards long extensions of grass fields.

I had been questioning him ever since we had left my house when he had come to pick him up, he still just smiled and gave up nothing.

Travis shook his head as he grinned knowingly, "Were almost there, don't worry."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to observing the view outside my window.

There were large grand houses at each turn, all surrounded by huge gardens and grass space, some even containing cows which I did not hesitate to point out every single one I saw.

"Look! There are 5 cows there!" I was so entranced by the large creatures that I didn't even notice the car pulling to a stop.

"Alright, were here Moon."

I turned to the front window and gasped, "A fun fair!"

He smiled as he got out of the car and quickly walked round and opened the door for me, offering a hand to help me out.

The jolly music and laughter along with screams and bright lights awoke my inner child that had loved those kind of things.

"Travis, I haven't been to a fair since I was so young!"

He smiled, "I was honestly worried you'd find it too childish."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Are you kidding? I've always loved fun fairs!"

His pleased grin lit up his face, "I just hope to hell this is gonna be a good first date."

I pressed a kiss to his cheek, "It already is."

He caught my lips between his and pulled me closer, kissing me deeply as his hands began exploring.

I pulled away quickly, "We'll save that for later, let's go! I want to go on ever single ride!"

I grabbed his hand and practically yanked him after me as I ran towards the bright lights and laughter.



Just a small bonus chapter.

I posted a TravisxMoon video on my tiktok: hanaverse_._
Go check it out and leave a like and comment!

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