chapter eleven

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Welcome to showdown soccer.

To be honest, the only thing we have to worry about for this game is if we lose... which won't be happening.

I really like that the showdown is on a Friday this year, because it's a lot less stressful. Besides, after last year's... events, I'm glad I don't have to worry about dragging my hungover and heartbroken friend to one of our biggest games of the year, only to see her break her ankle and fall into a really bad state.

The vibe as I walk into school today is exactly what I and the rest of the team need it to be. Everyone is buzzing with excitement, which makes everything even more surreal.

Adding onto my excitement is the fact that mine and Charlie's one year anniversary is on Monday. I can't believe that we've basically been dating for an entire year. I was never the biggest fan of October until October twenty-fourth last year, when Charlie asked me out.

I started to really like him after we went to homecoming together last year, and I guess he felt the same, because he asked me out a little over a week later.

I'm wearing my favorite hoodie of his today, an oversized black one that says "Eden Hall Hockey" on the front in big red and gold accented letters, with the "C" also on the front and his #96 on the left sleeve. It's perfectly oversized and matches my outfit today, which consists of my home red jersey, socks, and my Ugg slippers.

This weekend, I'm going to the mall with Morgan and Ella to buy Charlie his anniversary present. I have the perfect idea of what I'm going to get him, and I can't wait to see his reaction when he opens everything.

Getting back to my day, it starts bright and early with a Latin exam. I hate that I have to take another language, especially one that's so hard. Stuff like this doesn't come easy to me, but school in general doesn't either. In times like this I wish I was like Morgan, who's too smart for her own good. I'm glad she's in some of my classes, because I'd probably be failing without her.

After basically bombing my test, I try not to panic and text Charlie, asking if he wants to meet up and walk me to my third period class. He has gym third and usually spends it in the weight room or on the ice, but he usually meets up with me and walks me to class.

I don't hear from him however, making my anxiety rise. I hate walking by myself in the hallway, especially when I'm wearing his clothes. I already get enough dirty stares as it is, and having him with me prevents that from happening.

I quickly ignore the pit in my stomach when I walk out of my classroom and realize that he isn't there. I cross my arms and look at the floor, walking through the hallways as quickly as I can.

When I reach my chemistry classroom, I take my seat next to Morgan and she immediately notices that something's wrong. Ella, who sits across from me, also noticed my sudden change in demeanor.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ella asks instantly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you've been off lately." Morgan adds. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

I open my mouth to answer, but the bell rings and Mrs. Catchman starts to teach. "I'll tell you guys after class." I whisper quietly.

They both nod and we all turn our attention to the lesson. The periodic table isn't necessarily something I want to be learning about when I'm worried my boyfriend is ignoring me again, but I can't fail chemistry. If I want to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor, I can't fail this class.

I actually understand the material today, and I'm feeling a bit better when class is over. However, once Morgan, Ella, and I step foot into the hallway, they basically demand me to tell them what's going on.

I explain how Charlie has started to ignore my texts and invites to hang out again, so now I'm worried that he's going to forget our anniversary too. Ella reassures me that he wouldn't forget something like that, and Morgan offers to talk to him for me.

I really do have the best friends in the whole world.

They're able to cheer me up, and I'm all smiles as I walk into the locker room to get ready for the game. I go to my locker and pull out my bag, put on my shin guards, socks, and cleats, and finish with putting my hair up in my signature high ponytail braid.

Once I'm finished getting ready, I walk out of the locker room and start for Tavia's office, so I can fill my water bottle with ice. As I'm walking into her office, I bump into someone who's coming out of it.

I look up to see Charlie, and my face immediately falls. He notices this and leads me around the corner, placing his hands on my shoulders and forcing me to look up at him. "Are you mad at me or something?"

"You forgot to walk me to class third period." I say coldly, noticing as it clicks inside of him.

"I was at the rink Sade, I had a sub second period and decided to go down. I left my phone in the locker room and I didn't realize that two whole periods had passed. I'm sorry."

"But it's not just that Charlie." I snap. "You're starting to do everything that you promised at Ella's sweet you wouldn't do anymore. You're ignoring my texts, cancelling dorm hangouts and plans, I mean, you're basically becoming invisible! And don't even blame it on hockey, because both Adam and Dean can manage hockey and their relationships. Why can't you?"

"Being captain is different Sade." he mumbles quietly.

I sigh and cross my arms. "Whatever. I'll see you at the party later. Maybe you'll even act like my boyfriend when you're there."

"Sadie, what the hell? You can't just say that-"

I don't even let him finish, because I turn around and walk into Tavia's office. I fill my water bottle, then basically sprint down the hallway and into the locker room. I just don't have the time or energy to deal with him right now. If he doesn't want to act like my boyfriend, fine. Less stress for me.

Once I'm back inside the locker room, I put on my best smile and turn my focus back to the game. I won't let any boy trouble come between me and my game, I can promise you that.

This showdown is about to be one to remember.

the choice • charlie conwayWhere stories live. Discover now