chapter nineteen

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This game is way harder than I thought it would be.

Obviously, I knew that playing MPA would be a challenge. They're the state runner-ups, to us the champions. But in the second round? Jeez.

There hasn't been a span of a minute where we've had no pushing, shoving, jabbing, and chirping. Mostly every penalty you can think of has been called, and it definitely hasn't helped that Fulton and Dean have spent half the game in the box. Despite this all, we're tied one-one going into overtime.

Every ounce of energy in my body is gone. The only thing you can hear in the locker room is the sound of everyone's heavy breathing. We've all put our blood, sweat, and tears into this game, and it's only the second round. This is what happens when the defending state champions and their runner-ups play this early in the playoffs.

And the worst part is, someone's season is ending tonight.

The door to the locker room slams open, and in walks Orion. I close my eyes and wait for the never ending stream of angry comments that I know are coming. Except tonight, they don't come.

"You guys are playing exceptionally well. I know you're all frustrated with the score, but don't let that take away from the hard work you've all put into this game. No matter if we move onto the next round or if our season ends tonight, I want you all to know how proud I am of this team. Now let's go out there and give them something to cry about."

Everyone breaks into cheers, and we come out of the locker room more ready than we've ever been. The cheers are deafening as we take the ice, but they're for MPA and not us. Maybe we would've won in regulation if we were playing at home, but I guess we'll never know.

My line is on the ice to start overtime and it's a clear battle for the puck once the ref finally drops it, but I come out on top. I sweep the puck back to Fulton, who then passes it to Dean. We work it around the zone for a minute until Dean starts an attack.

He skates into our offensive zone and drops it back to Fulton, who fires a slapshot at MPA's goalie. It produces a huge rebound and MPA starts an attack of their own. I skate back as fast as I can, but a two on one has already formed.

I can see Dean's helpless expression as the players pass the puck back and forth, and then as one shoots.

Well, there goes our season and the streak.

Just as I think everything we've worked so hard for has slipped away, Julie flashes her glove and makes the save.

The amount of relief that flows through my body is indescribable. I breathe out a huge sigh of relief and skate to the bench, letting the first line come onto the ice.

After fifteen minutes of grueling back and forth battling by both teams, Orion decides to switch up the lines. He throws me on a line with Adam and Guy, which forces Adam out of the center and onto the wing.

I hop over the boards and immediately check the guy who has the puck, causing it to come free and so Guy can grab it. He does and starts an attack, which quickly leads to a three on two.

He passes it across to Adam, who drops it to me. Instead of shooting it, I fake it at the last second and pass it back to Adam. He wrists a shot at the net, and I swear time moves in slow motion. I watch as the puck sails over the goalie's shoulder into the back of the net, and our bench suddenly explodes.

All that can be heard are the yelling and cheering coming from our dog pile and the few fans that made the drive out to watch us. I feel like I could fly right now, that's how much adrenaline is going through my veins.

When we get back into the locker room, we shower Orion with our water as he walks in. I can't believe that we're heading to the state tournament. Three more rounds and we're state champions. The tournament is also being held at our arena this year, which will be an even more surreal experience if we win.

Once we're all settled on the bus for our hour drive back to campus, I put my Airpods in and decide to Facetime Sadie. Things between us are still so awkward, and I feel like we haven't talked in forever.

I click on the Facetime app and scroll until I find her contact. I press call and wait as it rings. She doesn't answer, and the call ends itself. Disappointed, I put my phone down and stare out the window. Maybe a minute goes by before my ringtone starts blasting in my ears, and I pick my phone back up. Her name is displayed across the screen, and I immediately answer the call.

"Hey Sade!" I say with a smile. "We won!"

"I heard! Congrats!" she answers, returning the smile.

"Wait, how do you know already? We just pulled out of their campus."

She giggles before turning the camera to show Ella, who waves at me. "Adam already texted her. I guess he couldn't wait to tell her about his game winner, and we've also been watching the live updates. Nice assist captain."

I probably look like an idiot from how much I'm smiling at my phone. "Thanks. So, what do you think about a snack and a study sesh? I have to shower when I get back to campus but after that I'm free for the rest of the night. We don't even have to study, we can just work on homework together if you want."

Her smile fades and she gives me a sympathetic look. "I wish I could, but I'm swamped. Hofmann randomly decided to make us watch three hours of film to prepare for our game on Friday, and then I have to finish my history paper. Maybe another time, okay?"

I wish I could say that I wasn't expecting her to say no, but a big part of me was waiting for it. I nod and give her a half smile before hanging up and putting my phone in my lap.

Instead of looking back out the window, I look at Adam, who watched the entire thing happen from next to me. "Everything alright between you guys?"

I shrug. "I don't know. She's barely talked to me since last Monday."

"I mean, you did forget your anniversary Charlie." he counters. "That's a pretty good reason for her to be upset."

"I know, but I figured that she would've been fine by now." I mumble. "I gave her time to cool off, but she hasn't yet."

"Maybe her time schedule is different than yours." Adam suggests. "I understand why she still might be mad. You forget about the anniversary and then basically pretend like it didn't happen. What if she isn't ready to forgive you yet?"

"I want her to though." I argue back. "I don't want her to break up with me, because I don't know what I'll do if she does. That's why I keep trying to make plans with her, so she can see that I really am sorry."

Adam offers me a sympathetic smile and quickly runs his hand through his hair before looking back at me. "Just give it time man. That's what I'd do."

I look back out the window and sit in my thoughts until we get back to campus. This whole situation sucks. And it's all my fault.

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