Chapter 1: New Girl

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~Four Years Later~
Stefan's POV
It has been four years since I have heard from anyone back in Mystic Falls, due to me getting a new phone the minute I got here. As much as I miss them, it's better this way.

I am walking down the street and to my house. When I walk in, I am greeted by my best friend-- the guy I'd like to call my brother, Jason. Jason is an awesome guy I met when I moved here to Portland. When I was looking for a place to stay, he took me in.

I know what you're probably wondering: Is he a vampire? The answer is no. He is 100% human. When I moved here, Jason had my back and he took me in. He said he had a big house and could use a roommate, so I accepted.

The house is big and he has a pool too. Living with him for the past four years has been awesome. Jay is a cool guy. He's been there for me, and for that, he is my best friend and brother. He is awesome.

Jason greets me "Hey, what's up my brother from another mother?" I greet back while chuckling a little at his humor "Hey Jay, I'm doing good." He says "Well, listen up: the carnival is opening up today and we are going."

I smirk at him because of how determined he sounds. I ask "We are?" And he answers "Yep! So, be ready by six because that's when we're leaving." Then he walks out of the room and upstairs to get ready and I'm just standing there smiling.

Jay is a real tough guy, which is one of the things I like about him. Jay does know I'm a vampire, but that doesn't change his determination and persistence. He will always hold his ground no matter what. When he wants to do something he does it, no questions asked.

I go upstairs and get ready. I shower, shave, then get dressed and when I'm done, I head downstairs and wait for Jason. It is now six and I see Jay come downstairs.

He says "Let's roll!" I laugh a little and say "Alright, come on man." He laughs too and we walk out and to his car.

We see a girl across the street and it looks like she's moving in. I can't help but stare at her with lust. She's beautiful. Even more beautiful than Elena. One glance was all it took for me. One glance and this gorgeous and mysterious new girl has me under her spell.

She has curly blonde hair, perfect skin, and I see her smile so beautifully at the guy she is paying. What interrupts me out of my thoughts is Jay saying "Oh, looks like someone's crushing on the new girl."

We both chuckle a little because he is right; I am crushing on the New Girl. I notice her noticing me looking at her, so I quickly get inside Jay's car and we head to the carnival.

Mystery girl's POV
I just got to my new home and it's beautiful but not as beautiful as my old home. I can't believe my own family exiled me. They truly never trusted me?

What interrupts me out of my thoughts is the man who drove my stuff here saying "Hey, we're all done. That will be $150 please." Geez! Things here in Portland are expensive. I take the money out and pay the man, then flash him a smile. I then watch them drive off.

I can't help but feel someone's eyes on me from across the street. When I turn around, I see a handsome man staring at me. I see he notices me, noticing him, staring at me.

I see him get into his friend's car and they drive off somewhere. He is quite the looker. I don't know why, but I feel drawn to him for some reason. He has light brown hair, cute cheekbones, and green eyes.

I think I'm crushing on him and I know he is crushing on me. Good thing we're neighbors. I can see him more often. I smile to myself and go inside, but before I do go inside, I see a flyer on one of the poles.

I go to it and it says that a carnival is just 2 miles from here. Awesome! I'm going. Best to try and blend in around here. I head inside my new home and go upstairs and get ready. When I'm done, I head out the door and to my car to go to the carnival.

Stefan's POV
It has been an hour already and Jay and I are having a great time. Every time we get off a scary ride, we laugh and bro hug. I have to admit, this reminds me of times when Gabby, Greg, Damon, and I got together like this.

We had fun times, but it's time to let that go now. Maybe I will see them in the next 60 years like Damon once told me we would. Jay nudges me while exclaiming in a whisper "Oh! New girl 10 o'clock!" I look over and I see her; the new girl that lives across from us.

I see her wave at us and walk over. I say, nervously "Be natural." He says while laughing "I am being natural, it's you who looks like he just peed his pants." I glare at him playfully, but can't help but laugh along with him. I stop when I see her come over.

She greets us "Hey. You guys are my neighbors from across the street right?" I stutter a little "Um, y- yeah, yeah th- that's us." I see her flash a beautiful smile and chuckle. I also see Jason laughing at me, so I hit him on the arm hard and he exclaims "Ow!"

She asks "So, would you guys mind telling me more about Portland? Besides the fact they are incredibly expensive." Jason and I laugh along with her but nod our heads in agreement.

Jay says "Yeah sure. Walk with us." She does exactly that. Jay says "So, from your accent, I guess you're English or Australian?" She giggles adorably and says "Yeah, I should be, but because I ended up growing up with someone else I became Canadian American." Jay says "Oh, my bad!" And she says "It's okay, it happens."

I ask "So, what made you choose Portland out of all the states to come to?" And she answers shyly "Well, honestly I just grabbed a map and pointed to wherever my finger landed on with my eyes closed."

Jay says "Oh. People do that." I ask "Where did you live before here?" She says "Well, honestly, I don't want to say because I'm here right now because I was shunned and exiled by my family."

Jay and I look at each other then back at her and ask in unison "What!?" She says, shedding a tear "Yeah. I was their long-lost sister and well, they didn't trust me and I really wanted them to. Before them, I never really had a family."

I say "I'm so sorry!" She sniffs and tries to lighten the mood "Yeah, well, enough about me; I want to hear about Portland." Jay and I nod our heads then walk around the carnival along with her. It's been 2 hours and Jay and I have been talking about Portland to her.

While Jay is talking, I am exchanging glances with her, and every time we get caught we blush. We have also been on rides. I hear Jay say "Okay, I think we really should get going."

She asks "Oh okay, but can one of you two gentlemen please get on the Ferris Wheel with me?" When I'm about to say something, Jay points at me "Yeah, this guy right here would love to go on with you."

She smiles and says "Great! Come on." She grabs my hand and pulls me to the Ferris wheel. When she grabs my hand, I feel like electricity is moving throughout my entire body.

I think she feels something too because I notice her look down at our hands then back up at me. We lock eyes with each other, but we get interrupted when we hear the Ferris Wheel guy ask "Ahem! Are you two getting on?"

We say together "Yes." We look at each other than at the ground and blush. He says "Alright, hop on." We get on and when he closes the seat, the ride begins and she comments "Wow! It's such a beautiful view up here."

I say, looking at her "Yeah, it sure is." I see her blush and she says "I'm talking about the city. How it looks when we're at the top of the Ferris wheel." I say, looking down embarrassed "Yeah, I knew that." We both laugh.

She says while looking at me "Well, I have to admit, this view isn't bad either." I smile and look into her beautiful eyes again and she does the same, but we pull away when the ride moves.

I say "Hey, about your family... they were idiots for ever letting you go. You seem like a wonderful woman." She looks down blushing and says "Thank you!" And I say "You're welcome."

I realize I never got her name and mentally facepalm myself. I say "I'm sorry, how rude of me: we never introduced ourselves." She facepalms herself "Oh right!" She giggles a little along with me.

I say "Hi, I'm Stefan Salvatore and that guy you saw me with is my buddy, Jason." She introduces herself "Hi, I'm Freya, Freya Mikaelson." Then a realization hit me. Did she just say her last name is Mikaelson?

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