Chapter 13: Bachelor Parties and Kabby Problems

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A/N: There will be some back and forth with Stefan and Freya's POV and Kabby is Kol and Gabby.

Two Months Later

Stefan's POV
I'm on the phone with Freya while I'm at the hospital, packing up to head home. We are talking about tomorrow being the big day. Freya asks "Do you think I will look fat in my dress?" I sigh "No! I know for a fact you will look absolutely stunning."

She asks "Are you sure?" I sigh deeply this time "Honey, I am absolutely sure." Freya pouts "Okay, okay. Sorry for bugging you. Are you on your way home?" I say "One: You are not bugging me and two: Almost. I'm packing up. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. I love you!" And Freya says "I love you, too!" She hangs up, then I hang up and I smile.

After I'm done packing up, I turn out the room light. As I am walking to my car, I feel a gush of wind behind me, then a needle in my neck and whatever is in it, is burning the hell out of me.

That's when I finally realize what it is. I exclaim in agony "Vervain!" My attacker pulls out a bag and covers my head and face with it. I feel them push me into a vehicle and drive off. I try to escape, but I can't. The vervain is keeping me down and then, I let the darkness take over.

Freya's POV
I am walking into my house when suddenly, I see a car come up. A man in a police uniform gets out of it. I walk towards him and ask "Hello officer, may I help you?" He answers "Yes actually. Are you the fiancée of Stefan Salvatore?"

I answer in concern "Yes. Why? Is there something wrong?" He looks down and says "I think it's best if we discuss this inside please." I say, worried and scared of what he might tell me "Yes. Yes of course. Follow me." He does exactly that.

I open my door and turn on the light. When he comes in, I close the door and stand there and ask "Now, about my fiancé, is something wrong?" I see him take out a black little pole and light it up. What is going on? I keep thinking to myself.

The man says "Nope!" I get even more confused and he says "Everything is just right!" I see him rip his shirt open and take it off. I hear "Ladies Night by Kool and the Gang" play.

I say "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute. I don't think you should be-" he then rips off his pants and he only has on a red pair of stripper underwear— I have no idea what people call them.

As I am trying to tell him to stop, I see Gabby, Annie, Savannah, Tiffani, Alexis, Sarianna, and Ashley jump out shouting "SURPRISE!" I am standing there, gaping in shock. I see them come over to me and throw confetti on me and the stripper.

They pull me into my living room and sit me on a chair that looks like a throne. They put a tiara on my head and I say while laughing "This can't be happening." The stripper comes in and starts dancing and so do I and the girls.

He comes over to me and starts dancing in front of me and I hear the girls laughing and they shout "HAPPY BACHELORETTE!"

Stefan's POV
Ow! My head. What the hell. I see I still have a bag over my head. It gets removed and I see Greg, Jay, Kol, Brennon, Troy, Travis, Trey, Tracy, and Dylan. I start to get confused and I ask "What in the hell is going on?" They smirk and shout "HAPPY BACHELOR PARTY!"

They move out of the way and I see a whole bunch of other guys here. I see we are in a place with tables, space for dancing, and There's a side bar. The guests shout "HAPPY BACHELOR PARTY!" I smile and laugh.

I look at the guys, then back at the group of people and just smile. Most of the guys I see are from work. They shout "CONGRATULATIONS!" The guys pat my back and Greg says "Happy Bachelor Party, baby bro."

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