Dreams and Reality

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Chapter 7


POV: You

Part 1.

Lucy and I are in west brook near the river. We're in a apartment complex on one of its middle floors standing in front of one of its doors, the door to Lucy's apartment to be specific. Not much to say about the outside of the place, it looks like any other apartment building hall.

"This is the place" Lucy says as she places a hand on her hip.

"Always take guys to your place after meeting them?" I ask as she unlocks the door.

Lucy smirks "You'd be the first" she replies as the door opens.

I walk in the place after her and the door closes. Her apartment wasn't half bad I guess, I mean it's a concrete an metal cell like every apartment in the city so yeah. The place did give off a net runner feel.

"Feel free to get comfortable, beers all I got if you drink" Lucy says as she walks over to her fridge.

"Not my usual but it'll do" I say as I walked over to her couch.

While I sit down onto her couch, I couldn't help but notice Lucy, how she leaned into the fridge sticking her ass out. She certainly has an outfit to compliment her figure. She leans up with two beers in hand. I wasn't going to let what I saw get to me, even if it was pleasant on the eyes, it's possible she's trying to seduce me.

"Here" Lucy says while handing me a beer. Lucy gets atop the couch and lays on the back of it, her thighs near my head "Cheers"

I take a sip from the beer as Lucy lights a cigarette. I decided to bring up her 'seduction' as a way to counter it, can't seduce someone who knows your trying to seduce them.

"Stick out your ass to guys often?" I ask them took a sip of beer.

"No, not particularly. Why? Does mine suit your fancy?" Lucy says with a smirk, her voice laced with seduction.

"If your offering then I'll take a hit, but I'd say your advances on me are more then forward, your choice of words falling along that line too" I say while looking her way.

Lucy let's out a giggle "So you caught on to that, if I was offering, I would of been more obvious. Maybe I'll offer next time as an example" She says.

"Since our original topic was talking about our selves, tell me, do you have any dreams?" I ask her.

Her smirk slowly fell then her gaze turned to a poster on her wall. The poster saying 'A new life awaits you' while showing a cosmonaut and a space shuttle launching into space. In the back ground was the moon.

"I want to live on the moon" Lucy states.

"The moon? Why would you want to live there?" I ask her.

"What? Got a problem with that?" She says as she got a bit hostile about it.

"Not in the slightest, if that's your dream then shoot for it" I say as I finished off my beer "but why however"

"It's as far away as I can get from here" She says.

"I guess your dream is similar to mine" I say "I want to get the fuck out of this city"

Lucy repositions herself and slides into the seat next to me "That's a lot easier then going to the moon, just get into a car and go"

"Simple to think of ain't it?" I say while setting my empty bottle down "But every city's the damn same no matter where you go, different people, different culture, same fucking bullshit. Everywhere you go, you have a Corpo building looks over the suffering masses as they fight each other and try to escape reality with BDs"

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