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Back at home, Jennifer had decided that nothing was going to change just because she was moping around waiting for something to happen. There would be nothing wrong with taking Kyrie down to wherever this hospital stored their blood. It wouldn't be fulfilling like a body would, but at least his hunger would be quenched for a little while longer.

For once she was forced to act like the adult she was, and take care of the people she was supposed to. Feeding Charlie, cleaning his strangely healing wound, and attempting to coax Isla from under the sheets for a shower...she also was probably a bit hungry, but it would be impossible for her to drag an animal into the house without causing a bigger mess than was already present. Annoying, so annoying, she hoped to get her well deserved award for all this hard work that was usually thrusted upon her youngest sister. She hoped for a lot of things, but she also hoped for a break. It was tiring to do the things she normally wouldn't do, and a small part of her congratulated her sister for even managing all by herself when Antonio left. She never understood why Isla could never finish anything on time, or even why she got so upset when something didn't go as smoothly as she had hoped it would, never could...but she could now. Herding the Ghouls away from the stairs, and giving strict instructions of what they should, and shouldn't put their filthy hands on was exhausting, and even more so when she realized that she would have to continue this when they start moving their stuff into the new apartment.

She was going to have to tell them what color she wanted the walls, where to set the dining table, the sofa's, the bed dammit she was going to have to tell them how to put together an entire living room, and she knew nothing about interior decorating. She was going to have to do all this by herself, and that didn't include the fact that she was going to have to move not only Charlie out the house, but Isla also. That stubborn bitch.

"Where do you-"

"Trash, throw it all in the trash, and stay away from the stairs Ghoul!" Face all twisted up, and lips upturned she swatted him away. That exhaustion was turning into fury, and all she could focus on was her missing mate, missing niece, and inactive sister. She didn't have time to shower properly, didn't have time to choose an outfit, and most definitely didn't have time to make herself pretty like she usually does. It was disgraceful, and down right embarrassing considering if anyone saw her now, she would be unrecognizable, disgusting even with the sweat that gathered at her temple from the stress and irritating heat that Forks decided was perfect to thrust upon them.

"I won't tell any of you again, the next mongrel that decides to get a little too close loses a limb." What she needed was a break, just a tiny one. She wanted to head down to that beach again, and rest her body from this...this stress that she was experiencing. She wanted to head down to the salon, and get her nails done, she wanted to go shopping for new clothes, and she really wanted to run a hot bath and pamper herself back to her prime, but she couldn't. Those ghouls were sneaky, and she was positive that they knew a human was upstairs just begging to be devoured considering they had been working for hours without a break, a snack break at that. One thing she wouldn't dare allow happen, is Antonio's father getting hurt worse than he already was at the moment. She didn't want him to be more upset at her than he already was, she wanted to prove that she was just as good as her sister, and a small part of her also wanted to make sure Charlie was well, considering the man had never done her wrong in any way.

He was something different than she was used to, something her father wasn't, and that already had her toning down her attitude, and reeling in her harsh words. He was something special, and she felt just a tad bit jealous of considering that meant that Antonio must've had a good childhood. In fact, she believed that he probably would've been perfect if he never had left. She saw the pictures in an album that she made sure wouldn't be thrown away by accident, she saw the pictures of him with his mother, his father, and even with the family that she had meant down on the reservation.

Billy Black, wasn't as special to her as Charlie was, but she still knew the man wanted what was best for Antonio like he was his own son. Not once had he said anything against their relationship when they first met, and not once had he disrespected her image either. That tight dress, styled hair, stunning makeup, and even manicured nails didn't give him the impression that she was a gold digger, or even the thought that she might've been a bit of a bimbo. It was refreshing to have someone look at them like they were normal, still human with emotions.

"You. Jawless. Make sure that every frame with a photo in it is placed inside a box, and dropped near my feet." The ghoul she addressed simply groaned, and all she could do was take that as a sound of acknowledgement considering the poor thing didn't have a jaw to speak out of. Very rarely is a ghoul made without a body part, especially on their face considering eating is what keeps them alive, but she figured something must've happened, and if she cared enough, she'll ask. She didn't.

Yeah, thinking about it now, she realized why she wasn't too fond of the pressure responsibility usually came with. Even now while she sat on her ass, bossing the undead around, she still felt out of place, she felt like this wasn't what she really should be doing, but the adult part of her wanted to be helpful for once. She didn't want to keep Antonio away from Bella, and Kyrie any longer than he was, but she also didn't want to dump everything on her distressed sister no matter how much she wanted too. She was good at handling things, and if it was her chance to prove it, then she could sit here and do it. She could sweat out her hair products, gain a bit of a tan from the sun rays, and even starve a little until either Isla relieved her from her position, or Antonio. She could do this!

Anybody watching her from the sidelines, would question whether to call someone as they watched her pump her fist in the air, and give out small little 'woos' as she tried what they assumed was to hype herself up. The sight of a sweaty, tight pony tailed, and barefaced Jennifer was a unique sight for most. 


I hope to finish this book before November is over, also if you were wondering this book will be made into multiple series. Twilight is mainly what I was working, New Moon will be next, but I won't start on it immediately.

I got one other book that I need to be working on, Rider Die, will be focused upon next, than Rosalie's book. Sorry Rosalie fans, if I don't work on that book now, I never will.

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