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A gift of god was what she was to them. For a couple that had always struggled to conceive a child, after a visit to see the best Pastor in England they were blessed with what he deemed, was the best thing of their lives. She was perfect in their eyes. Black hair, and Blue eyes that matched her father, along with fair skin, and a matching face to her mother, she was a beautiful blend of both the parents. There was no mistaking whose child she was, and with proud smiles they introduced her to the world as their first, and most beautiful child.

It was only natural that the best, only receives the best. She got the finest education, wore the finest clothes, and was gifted only the best of the best type of jewelry to decorate her beautiful frame. She was Jennifer Williams, the first and only Princess of the William's family. She was held in high regard with all the marriage arrangement requests, though she wasn't a boy, that still didn't mean she wasn't useful to the family. Who wouldn't want to marry a beautiful girl? A miracle that brought nothing but blessings everywhere she went? Anyone would be crazy not to see her worth, and who would dare think that the William's family wasn't worth forming an alliance with?

"When you get older, make sure to care for your parents well when you marry a successful man." Her mother used to sit her down every night, at nine to whisper those words into her ear as she brushed her hair exactly a hundred times. She had always made sure Jennifer bathed, and ate well in order to keep her pristine appearance. It wasn't very ladylike for her to look so rugged, and dirty like those peasants that played outside in the dirt all day, "marry a man that can help your father succeed." She made sure her hair was silky smooth, and skin was soft and moisturized before sending her off to bed with a full stomach of her favorite meal.

Jennifer was so precious to the woman who had dreamed of having a daughter to dress up, and spoil like the Princess she deserved to be treated as. It had always been that way since she was born, and her parents made sure that they were her main caretakers out of fear that some commoner would poison her mind, and twist her against them. It wasn't until Jennifer turned two years old when Mrs Williams was pregnant again with their second child.

Excited was a word easier to describe them, but curious was what two year old Jennifer was feeling. Her parents had always been excited whenever she did something, but this was an entirely new excitement she had ever seen them express. Their hopes seemed a lot higher than ever before, and they were quick to drag her along to the church where the Pastor that had blessed them with her, would bless them with another. A boy preferably this time, it'll be a shame for the William name to end just like that without them even trying.

"Jennifer precious," Her father had held her tightly, kisses being placed on every available surface of her face he could reach, "aren't you excited to be a big sister? You'll take care of your brother well won't you?" He would kiss her again, and again as they sat in the back of the car, riding to their destination.

They would pass the prestigious daycare she would rarely attend, pass her favorite bakery that sold those golden flaked donuts, pass her parents' booming company, and right towards the brightest church she had ever seen before in her life. The white marble glistening underneath the sunlight, and the stained glass telling a million stories that she wished to know. The building was stunning, fit for a Princess like her, maybe if she asked like always, she would get her windows replaced with those beautiful stained glasses, and maybe that white marble would look nice to sleep on?

"Big sister? I'm going to be a big sister?" She spoke calmly despite her confusion on the terminology, she had never heard that word before, besides the servants that addressed another one as such. Wasn't that a word poor people used to describe one another?

"Yes, aren't you excited, once we get the Pastor's blessing, he'll be just as great as you." Her mother leaned over to kiss her also, she had been getting an awful lot of these loving kisses ever since they found out the news of Mrs Williams being pregnant. She didn't know what to feel over the fact that her parents attention seemed to be directed elsewhere besides her for the first time.

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