chapter six

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Wrens pov

When i say i love nothing more then being invisible, i really do. I don't like attention and the only people i need in my life are Trevor, Meredith and my family. and that is about it. especially after everything that happened with Justin i can't seem to find energy or will to trust anybody new.

In this moment i am about fall asleep after a horrible day at school, i think it is like five pm or something. Grays anatomy is going in the background while Luke is snuggled by my side. I can feel the sleep right around the corner...when i hear my window open.

wait what?

i turn around in my bed, and low and behold its Jack fucking Hughes.

"what the hell do you think your doing?" i ask the dumb fuck. and you know what? as much as i hate him right now, i gotta admit he is actually really good looking. and i know he has abs, cause i did in fact sleep on them last night.

"i wanted to hang out, what else?"he says and closes the window behind him, adjusts his hoodie and climes into my bed.

before he can do anything else i shove him of my bed.

"OUT"i yell. "who do you think you are? we are not friends, and what type of 2000's romcom shit did you just do. climbing trough windows?"

"i brought snacks" he tells me and takes his backpack off. he pulls out two cans of root bear, paprika Pringles and a pack of Twizzlers.

"fine, you have ten minutes and then you better go to Trevor's room. ohh and shoes off."i tell him and scoot aside.

"ohh, Trevor doesn't know i'm here. so, we watching grays anatomy?"he says and runs a hand trough his messy and hot hair. wait, did i just say that jacks hair is hot?

"what do you mean by 'trevor doesn't know im here '" i ask him and pause the episode.
"I came here to hang out with you. You know, watch grays anatomy, stuff like that" he says and offers me a pringle.

Fuck this guy is damn sweet, and his smile couldn't be more perfect.
Fuck. No. Hes my brothers best friend. And now im scared, because this guy came over with my favorite snacks, to watch my favorite tv show, and not because he is here to suck up to my brother.

"Do you remember how the fifth season started?" He asks me
"How can i not. The first time i saw it i almost stared crying. I could not believe that Derek died, and i dont even want to talk about how the season ended"
"007, my heart almost stopped that moment, and we all thought izzie was gonna die"
"That whole season was a emotional roller coaster"

This seams odd. Talking to him like we are friends who have known each other for years. When in reality, its been like four days or something. And maybe this isn't such a bad thing. I could have another friend that aren't my brother or my cats. But i still dont trust him for shit. I know his type, and i damn sure know his reputation. And i dont want to be a part of it.

Jacks pov♡

I have a slight feeling my best buds little sister is warming up to me. We have been talking about grays anatomy for hours while the show is on in the background. At times like these i forget that she is younger then me. It feels like im the younger one, cause she i way too mature for her age. Like the way she talks and she has those eyes that look like they have seen it all.

And i think im about to fuck up any progress i had with the question im about to ask.
"How are you single?"

She stills at my question. And i have a slight feeling why. Trevor told me her ex was an ass. But i think there is more to that.

"I dont feel like being in a relationship." She tells me takes the last twizzler.
"Is there a reason behind it?" I keep pushing her. Seeing how much she could trust me.
"Just..."she sighs "had a horrible experience and dont feel like repeating it"
"But what if its better this time?" God i have to stop, because if i dont she will fully block me out.

"Why do you care? Its not like you know what a healthy relationship is like" she snaps at me.
"How do you know that" i defend myself.
"Ohh honey, everybody knows that. You change girls quicker then socks. And im not saying there is anything wrong with that, its just that you dont know shit."

Well she is not entirely wrong, but if i find a girl i like i will keep her to myself, and defiantly wouldn't cheat on her. But again, that hasn't happened yet. But who knows.

"If i wanted a relationship, i would have it. But trust me, the girls i used to sleep with are no where close to girlfriend material."
"And what do you think is girlfriend material?" She asks eyeing me. Testing me. And i know i just fell in a trap i wont be able to get out of if i dont answer smart.

"Well, if she doesn't love my mom, i cant love her. She is gonna have to understand that hockey is important, and im not gonna skip practice, just so we could hang out. Not too clingy. She has to be a family person. Passionate about what she wants to do with her life. And have goals for future." I tell her, holding my breath, waiting for her reaction.

"Did you just bullshit me?"
I just burst out laughing at her response.
"Really? God, no. That's all i ask from a girl. Besides a nice ass, of course"
And for that i get a slap on my arm.

But what she doesn't know, is that i tried to describe her. I know she hasn't met my mom, but i know she would love her. I know for a fact she understands the hockey stuff because of her brother. And she also has a really fucking nice ass.

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