chapter nine

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Wrens pov♡

The second we exited the cafeteria, i had to run towards the closest bathroom. All the crap i had to force down is now coming up.

I heave into the bathroom toilet as mer holds my hair back. And pats my back, trying to comfort me.

Food and me haven't been on the best of terms for a while now. I can have it in small portions a few times a day. But the amount of food i tried to force down at lunch was not a 'small portion'. That was a full ass meal for me.

And yea. I have noticed that every time i stand up i might faint. Or the fact that i cant lay in a bath anymore, because it bruises my spine.
It sounds rough, but its getting better.
My thighs are starting to become a normal size.
My hair is slowly growing back and its not as thin anymore.
And i used to throw up everything that entered my body.

I know i just did in fact hurl up everything i ate today, but that's only because it was just too much food for me.
And i know i could have just not eaten that much, but the only people that know about my health problems are my family and mer. I was not ready for a bunch of hockey players to find that out too.
So i forced myself to try and eat a 'normal' amount.
And it totally backfired.

I decide to leave school right after that. Because the only class i have left is PE. And im sorry but that is just a waste of time.

When i get home, i get a message from the one and only... jack hughes.

The annoying guy- you went home?
The annoying guy- why? Something happened?
Me- no. Im fine.

And i just leave it at that. Even though i can hear the phone, as it keeps buzzing. But i choose to ignore it.
Because i have had enough of jack hughes for today.

Its 4.38 when Mer arrives. We agreed that she would come over for a Disney marathon.
"You" she says pointing to me "go, get comfy in your bed. While i.... clean your god awful, dirty room" she orders. And as promised, she starts cleaning.
But being a 'dirty person' has its perks.
Like if you ask me for that one hair tie. I'll be able to tell you exactly where it is. Because that's how it works.
I always know where everything is.

But Mer is Mer. And i cant stop her. And i wont.
Shes the clean one, im the dirty one.
She talks, i listen.
I cry, she comforts me.
Shes my platonic soulmate.

Just as we start watching our second movie of the night, which is princess and the frog.
My window opens, by it self.
And im not even surprised.
Its jack.

"Again?" I ask annoyed. Because i just want a small break from him.
"I texted you that i would come over at 6" he defends himself as he closes the window behind him. "Ohh. Mer, didn't know you were here"

"Hi" she gives him a small smile.
"Holly hell, i have never seen your room like this." Jack says as he walks to my side of the bed.
"He has been in your room before?" Mer whispers to me.
"Ohh yea. Like every night the past week. Did you do this mer? You have a talent" jack  answers for me..
"Not talent, just like everything better when it's clean" mer says and scoots more to her edge of my bed. And i realize that she wants for me to move as well so jack could sit.

"Fine. But you are gonna have to watch our movies" i say to jack as he plops down by my side and slings his forearm over my shoulder.
"Deal" he says.

"Isn't Trevor you best buddy? Why dont you spend time with him?" I interrogate him.
"First of all, your my best friend"
"No im not. Take that back" i snap at him and hit him in the ribs
"Owww. And second of all" jack heaves as he gets his breath back "Trevor has his own woman to deal with. That man has a line of puck bunny's just wanting a taste"

"Isn't it the same for you?" Mer asks jack. And you know? I would like to hear this as well.
"I'm closed for business" he tells her looking her straight in her eyes.
"You have a girlfriend?" I ask out of shock. Because since when? Yesterday he was talking about maybe wanting one. Let alone already being in a relationship.
And since when do i care?

"No, i just dont need distractions right now. I'm not looking for a hook up. Or a girl who doesn't understand what a hook up means. I dont need more stalkers"
"You have a stalker?" Mer asks surprised.

Of course he has a stalker. Look at his hair, and that smile. Like he stepped straight out of heaven. Why wouldn't he have a stalker.

No, no, no. As much as i would like to believe his act. Justin was the same at the start, so no. Not happening.

"Back in Toronto. The stalker was one of the reasons why we moved. But mostly because of the us program." He tells her. "Okay, now do we have anymore questions about me or can we continue the kids movie"

I hit him yet again. "Not a kids movie"

Jacks pov♡

I have realized that Mer is looking at her phone screen a lot. And then she does the predictable.
We are now in at the half line of Moana, and mer, out of nowhere has to go.
She has to help her friends brothers godmother pack. Because her friends brothers godmother is moving to Afrika tomorrow and she forgot she has to help in the packing process.

She literally stole the excuse from my moms favorite romcom. The wedding planner. I'm not even joking, i grew up with the movie. And its not even bad.

"Ohh okay, i guess I'll see you tomorrow than" birdy gets up to hug mer goodbye.
"Jack dont you have to go as well?" Wren asks me.
"No, im good. I can stay until the movie is over."

"Ohhh kaaay" she says and gets back into her bed. But now that we have more space she stays away from me.

Its the two if us.
In a her dark bedroom.
On her bed.
And i have 45 minutes until the movie is done for me to make a move on her.
And take it to the next level with us.

Because when i said im not looking for anyone right now. That because i already met her, and its Wren.

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