Chapter:- 40

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Neil Khanna

"You can't do this to me, Neil. My father helped your grandfather at his lowest. You---"

"Exactly." I coldly dismiss the loud speaker booming inside my cabin, making him shut abruptly.

Rafael D'Souza.

He is just barking since he arrived, and it's the very first time I uttered anything. He has been trying to approach to me since fifteen days, but I took my time to show him his place. Infact, he is been here since morning. Stubbornly, wanting to meet me; I agreed. It's ten in the night when I said yes to meet him. Well, I want to earse this topic now.

Right now I am sitting on my CEO chair's and he, on the opposite side of my office desk as his thick brown-white french beard and old eyes pleading me to not go so hard on him. But man, you took a disastrous decision when you thought to pull my wife's name in your dirty buisness game.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks in his brazilian tone.

"That, it was Mr. Gabriel D'Souza but you." I answers coldly as I stare emotionlessly into his raging eyes.

"So? Don't forget what you have right now, you own my family." He bangs his fist on the mahogany wooden desk and stands up, making me raise my right brow.

'Still being audacious!'

I lean back on my chair as I place my right leg over my left and place both of my arms on either armrest of the luxurious leather matte black chair; getting bore by his repetition of nonsensical accusations and demands.

"We own to your father. Infact, owned precisely because now, I own you. When your every shares were down, I came and purchased some of them before signing the deal with your drowning company when no one came to help you. Plus, I had paid ten times more than what Gabriel sir had given as his mercy to my grandfather." I speak monotonously.

His jaw twitch in anger.

What? Only you can make me count your favours! If yes, than you're in a deep illusion, D'Souza.

"You can't do this! You don't own the share market." He lurks angrily, not knowing the reality.

"I do, D'Souza. For me, share market is like the game of snake & ladder. And I am that big snake of this game; one wrong move, same as it I also swallow the player's hardwork and do not let them pass me to get the success or just trap them." I smrik coldly as I see him gritting his teeth.

"Do not forget mongoose can enter the game." He threatened making me chuckle dryly.


"I am not any cobra of this game but python who will fasten neck of those mongoose." I smoothly answers as I know what power I hold. My voice cold and grave as I challenged him to do anything in his power to bring me down.

"So this how you are going to deal?" He asks sitting back his chair.

And I just stared emotionlessly into his eyes which were clearly not in his senses right now as I saw a maniac smirk spreading on his face. All of sudden, the fury in his eyes mingles with a evil swims of harming emotions.

I intervene fingers of both of my hands, waiting for his incoming shot.

"Marry my daughter." He states casually making my body language more rigid and cold.

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