After you left

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"I swear I really want to kill you kook"Joon said for the first time after kook told them his reason to leave.....

"I thought you were very wise and smart proved me wrong kook"Joon shook his head highly disappointed on kook's behavior....

"I know hyung.....I am feeling stupid too....I should have stayed and talked to bear but....I became a coward a d ran away.....but what happened after I uncle and aunty died"kook asked....Joon signed deeply....

"They died the next day you left kook"Joon said which made kook's breath to stop for a second......

""kook asked gulping trying his best to not let his tears to flow from his eyes......

"When you left tae came back to home and he searched for you but when you were no where he called all of us.....we started to found you in different parts of city....we went to jeon mansion but you was not there also.....when we came back...tae was crying badly he thought you left for some hours and will be back soon.....

Than we made him eat and sleep next day he woke up thinking you must have returned but he cried again when you was not present.....he was crying and thought to call his parents as they were coming back today....but when he called the thing he heard broke him even more.....the person from other side informed that the owner of the phone is dead....."Joon said... tears cane from his eyes.....kook was just froze on his place...

"We all rushed to the city hospital where aunt Kim and uncle Kim were admitted....after reaching there tae throwed himself on his parents dead body.....both were life less the person who brought them to hospital told this two had an accident and died on spot.....

Tae cried and cried....he begged them to wake up but do death people a d they didn't heard his begs tooo.....when they were getting burried he was murmuring your name.....

He begged us to call you but from where we have called you when we didn't knew where you are.....he stopped eating locked himself in his room....and just sobbed....he had his parents photo along with your photo closed to his chest Everytime we found him sleeping on floor.....

We tried very hard to make him eat....but he never listened he just said that he will eat only when you will feed him....and the thing happened which we were afraid day it was evening and his sobbing sounds were not coming....we knocked on his door but got no response.....we got worried and opened the door with a spare key ...just to-just to see him laying on floor unconscious....."Jimin sobbed loudly still seeing the same scene of his soulmate laying on the floor unconscious.....

While kook he felt nothing but hatred towards himself.....when kook was in this situation...when kook lost his parents tae was always there besides him taking care of him ...... making him calm and try to make him smile....but what he did ....he didn't even knew tae was going through all this....he wasn't there to fed tae when he was waiting for kook to feed him.....he wasn't there to hold him when tae was feeling alone.....

"We took him to hospital and doctor told us he went ina temporary coma.....he was unconscious for one month.....but when he opened his eyes he was numb....his face was blank and he didn't spoke a word after waking up.....we tried to talk to him but he said nothing.....we asked doctor if he has lost his voice....but doctor clearly said that his voice was perfectly fine he is not speaking because he has gotten any big shock which made him quite.....

We took him to house after a week and we all were worried....when we entered in the house he finally spoke...but that didn't brought happiness to made us more worried as tae sounded cold his voice was cold as ice .....he just said....'kook didn't came right' when we said no he just chuckled dryly and walked back.....

Days passed like this and he was becoming cold to all of us.....he stopped talking to anyone and just ate small amount of food which can help him to survive......a year passed like this we were getting worried day by day....he even asked to change his house because this house made him remember his parents and you .....Joon handled Kim's business until tae got graduated....."Jin said

"Me and yoongi thought to marry after 6 months of all of this in a hope that this will make tae a little happy.....but no...even tho he attended the wedding his face was still blank.....we even hired doctors to bring him back but it all we t in vain.....than we got to know I was pregnant and with our son minhyuk born....tae smiled ....he smiled when he held the small minhyuk in his was not his wide boxy smile....but that smile was enough to make us happy.....and from than minhyuk became an angel in tae's life..... because of my baby he started to live properly.....

He started to talk and smile with minhyuk and than after our graduation he took over the Kim company.....but he is still the same cold person if minhyuk is not around him.....I beg you kook ....if you can please bring my tae back.....I can't see him like this ....I want to see him smiling and laughing like early.... please I beg you ....onmy you can do this"Jimin said clapsing his hands Infront of kook who was numb on his spot.....

He really wanted to kill himself but not again.... he won't leave tae again by killing himself......he had did one mistake which lead tae to be this cold.....and he ready to compensate for his mistake....he will beg to tae for forgiveness.....he will do anything tae want....but now he won't leave tae.....he will tell tae how much he loves him ....and will make him happy again....

But is forgiving so easy .....forgiving a person who not only left but broke your trust on him.....he disappeared as tae was nothing to him ....but kook didn't did this purposely too...he was heart broken and didn't wanted to become an obstacle in tae and jimin's love.....nor he can see tae loving someone else.....

But what was tae's fault that he was left alone when he needed his kook the most.....tae carved for kook.....tae carved for kook's smile,his arms ....tae is suffering from three years.....can kook give tae those three years back.....can he bring that time back when tae wanted nothing but to hide in kook's arm....

Kook can't....he can't bring those things back....he can't just go in past and hold tae in his arms and let tae feel finally kook was there for him... right????


To be continue

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