Chapter Twelve

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The ramp creaked, alerting our competition to our presence

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The ramp creaked, alerting our competition to our presence. My already low confidence wavered at the sight of the duo. Carter wore navy trunks, and Hazel had a killer red one-piece suit on. They both looked great and prepared, unlike me and my beer pong partner, who were about to dip into the freezing water in nothing but our underwear.

It wasn't like I'd planned on hooking up with anyone tonight, so I'd grabbed the first pair of underwear from my dresser and called it a day. Maybe I would've yanked on a better pair if Izzy hadn't distracted me by singing obnoxiously while she'd blow-dried her hair.

I was supposed to be home by now, curled up in my dad's hoodie on the couch, eating junk food and playing Mario Kart against Nick—not spending my Friday night with my ex while I wore lucky dip underwear.

It didn't help that the couple tossed a ping-pong ball between them in the water while watching us. They spoke too low for me to hear, like they were exchanging secret ideas about how best to torture us. What more could they do? They'd done the worst and already cheated on us. Insisting we play beer pong against them made zero sense. Unless they wanted to rub salt in the wound? What would be the point of that?

It was one thing to kiss Hazel at the game and in that stupid ass tree at the park; it was another to invite me to hang out with them and see them acting all lovey-dovey. Carter was stupid, but he wasn't malicious. Right? Hazel, though? She was an unknown factor. The only thing I knew about Rosie and Hazel's breakup was that Hazel cheated. That didn't exactly give her a glowing ex recommendation.

I shimmied out of my jeans, bracing myself for the worst possible outcome: a white pair of boy shorts that would become see-through the moment they touched the water.

Rosie's skirt fell to the ground and my hips froze mid-shuffle. She bent and scooped the fallen fabric up. Two symmetrical dimples sat at the bottom of her back, perfect grooves for somebody's thumbs. My thumbs. I shook myself out of those wayward thoughts but glanced even lower and all I could see was a sparkly unicorn walking across a rainbow plastered on her butt.

My lips clamped together.

Whatever was beneath my jeans couldn't be worse than that.

She straightened and turned to face me, unbuttoning her shirt, one button at a time, unbothered by me pressing my fist against my mouth to aid swallowing back my laughter.

"Dotty got them for me as an apology for her prank on Hazel," she said, offering a half-shrug.

"An apology? Those?"

She pulled her hair into a quick and messy ponytail. "I didn't want her to do it, remember?"

"I mean, they're a gift?" I said, motioning toward her lower body.

"I like unicorns," she admitted, a flush creeping across her cheeks, accentuating the freckle in her hairline.

She was kind of cute.

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