34 | spilling a tale of secrets

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G̶l̶o̶r̶i̶a̶ ̶R̶o̶s̶a̶r̶i̶o̶

S̶h̶a̶n̶n̶o̶n̶ ̶D̶r̶a̶g̶o̶m̶i̶r̶

Kalina Jeong

Erik Solar

Mason Scott

Satin Queens

Blake Everson

Cole Asto

Avery Dragomir


There wasn't an ounce of surprise on her expression from my question. Only fear.

"When?" I questioned, pressing when Shannon seemed to struggle to answer. What I really wanted to ask was "how?" No one but Avery and Erik knew. Avery, because he figured it out, Erik, because he grew up with me.

So how did Shannon Dragomir of all people find out?

How did Shannon Dragomir know that Gabriella Jontas was my sister?

Two options. One, people didn't give her enough credit for her perceptiveness. Or two, someone who deserved that credit told her.

I hoped it was one, because if it was two, that meant I had to watch my back. I wasn't being guarded enough and after Gloria physically abusing me, I wasn't keen on a repeat of that night.

I watched Shannon closely for a reaction as I took a guess. "You knew when you led me into that room at the party. The night I took the pills Ella got addicted to. You knew."

Shannon was nowhere as skilled as her brother in hiding her reactions. I knew I had guessed correctly by the fidgeting in her fingers. "Yes."

"That's why you led me in there," I realized, faintly. "You were testing me. You wanted to ask questions when I was influenced by the pills, but your brother... he intervened before you could."

"Yes," she said, this time infinitely more meek, more quiet.

Anger rose up in me, threatening to make me vomit. I was going to be nauseas. "You were going to let everyone know who I really was. You know what they can do to me. You know what Gloria did to me..."

My broken ribs were a constant reminder.

It wasn't even a question. I knew it was the truth, and Shannon's blue eyes, so different from Avery's and Tyson's, were glassy with tears as she whispered, "I-I'm sorry."

I stared at her, unyielding, in disbelief.

"Your brother was wrong about me," I finally said, lightheaded with rage and emotions I could barely control. "He said I wouldn't have left you alone if he asked me to."

Shannon shook her head again and again. "Please, Vesper, don't do that to me. Please. You have to understand, I had no choice in what I did. I had no choice." Tears streamed down her cheeks and I saw the haunted look in her eyes. "There was so much blood. You don't understand. It was protection."

"I would have left you alone," I said, slowly, realizing how stupid I was. How could I let myself be fooled? "I would have, if he asked me to. Now?" I shook my head, clenching my jaw.

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