50 | [helen skye lorani]

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Helen of Troy was said to have been the most beautiful woman of the world. She could bring any man to his knees. Helen was so beautiful that empires of men went to war - all for her hand.

I was named after her, for my beauty, but I've never really felt beautiful.

Beauty was pure, and I was not pure.


"The Eversons will be here for dinner," Mother said as she all but barged into my chambers. "You will need to pick a dress, Helen."

"Yes, Mother." Quickly, I got to my feet, hiding the book behind my back. Mother's eyes flitted to the gesture and I saw the instant disapproval in her eyes.

"Helen," she gritted out at me and I felt the shame pool in my stomach. "Stop being ridiculous. Stop reading your books. You will be a lady and ladies don't need to read. Not for fun, anyway."

"But Mother-"

"No buts," Mother snapped. "Why can't you just be like Satin? Shop around for clothes and makeup. Why can't you just practice some more piano and dance more?"

"I already do for two hours," I retorted through clenched teeth. "For each."

"Then do more," Mother dismissed, skimming through my drawers to pick out jewelry. I wanted to dress modestly, to cover my skin as I've been told to do, but Mother shook her head after a thought. "No. Not tonight, Helen."

I looked to her, confused, as she pulled out the most revealing dress I've ever seen. Low, covering only half my chest, and short. I eyed it uncomfortably. "What do you mean by "not tonight"?"

Mother avoided my gaze and shoved the dress into my arms. She waved over for my maid to apply my makeup and start with my hair.

"Mother?" my voice rose. "What is going on?"

She carefully chose her response. "Helen, I'm telling you this because you're old enough to understand. The Eversons... have asked to see you."

"See me?" I demanded, freaked out by her strange behavior. When the dress was zipped up, I felt the desperate urge to cover my chest, swallowing down the stinging.

"You and Blake," Mother said quietly, "You two like each other, no?"

I laughed nervously. "Mother, we grew up together. We're best friends."

But I did.

I was in love with Blake Everson and I hated myself for it. He was the reason I wanted to become friends with Kalina. I wanted to be close to him.

Eventually, I realized I needed to bury whatever feelings I had for him because my best friend was Kalina Jeong and I couldn't hurt her.

So I kept quiet about how I actually felt about Blake.

I will never forget the way she looked at me in the eye. "You're going to be more, Helen. Tonight, you need to convince them that you and Blake are meant to be."

For a moment, I stayed silent. I thought of my parents and their shouting over taxes and our draining fortune. I thought of the whispers the maids gossiped in the halls when they thought I wasn't listening because I was too stupid and pampered. I thought of the desperation and the money the Eversons had.

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