Chapter VIII: Added to 'The List'

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Sorry! I should have uploaded this yesterday but I'm a busy woman. Hoho

Anyways... let's keep the ball rolling!

Enjoy. Vote and Comment please. Thank you! :D


“Aww c’mon! Again? Yesterday you look like an angel, now you look like one of the royalties in England. I mean, you’ve just been in the bathroom for like ten minutes!” Elina groaned, “I so would totally look like your old-maid nanny or a die hard fan following you around and will do everything you ask. No hot college boys for me AGAIN, they would just drool over you and I will be just like ‘Yeah, I’m fine! Totally fine! You can all admire Scarlet and don’t bother looking at my direction. Yey me!’ You get what I mean?” She finished whining and blabbering with a scowl on her face but nonetheless, a small smile on her lips.

She is such a drama queen!

What was she even implying?

I didn’t look like Princess Diana more over, Queen Elizabeth!

I snorted, “You like to pity yourself do you? You’re much worse than Raf and to think you’re not even a gay!”

She giggled while finding something to wear on her closet, “And YOU Miss likes to insert Raf in every conversation do you?”

“Wha— I am not!” I scowled. Do I really do that?

She giggled once again and turned to face me, “You surely are Scarlet— Oh my god! I totally forgot to tell you because you fell asleep so early last night party pooper…”

“Blame it on the book you gave me, I obsess myself reading it the other day that I was so tired yesterday plus the whole college thing adds with it and… don’t forget about the brothers” I rolled my eyes thinking about the two annoying yet sexy brothers.

“Actually, that’s what I will tell you about. The brothers I mean, or more like the elder, hot, handsome, sexy and straight one” She smirked and wiggled her eye brows.

She is soooo… I don’t want to use pervert anymore. Ugh.

Slutty then? How about flirt?

Slutty are for hoes and Elina is not one of them and Flirt is for Raf totally!

Yup, you like inserting Raf in every conversation.

I so not!

“I don’t even want to hear what you wanted to say. Like I care to know anything about him” I said checking the time on my iphone, it’s still early for our first class.

And Raf will be there! Yey!

Again! It’s all about Raf. Raf. Raf. Raf.

Okay, I should stop thinking about him!

Elina frowned and pouted like a baby.

I narrowed my eyes at her then sighed, “Okay, what is it then?” I finally asked.

She beamed then clapped her hands jumping up and down, “Rupert is in one of my class!” She said too excitedly.


She frowned at me again, “You really are a party pooper Scarlet. Well, that means I can see him five days a week that means I can seduce him and our plan will be a done deal”

I raised my eye brow, confused, “What plan?”

She rolled her eyes but smiled widely after, “The ‘you will marry Raf and I will marry Rupert’ plan!”

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