Chapter XXV: Mistaken Emotions

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I'M BACK! and I'm back for good.

Thank you all so much for the messages and condolences, I appreciate it sooooo much.

I needed to have an inspiration to write this chapter and I did have, YOU guys! :D

again, THANK YOU and I love my faithful and new readers.

I know you miss some of my characters so read away! ^_^


“I’m not sure, but I think Raf’s jealous”

“Ruby! Are you not listening with my whole babbling? It’s so obvious he’s jealous!” I cried and sighed with annoyance.

I’ve been telling Ruby the whole story from the ball until Raf got mad because… well, I really don’t know the reason. But I’m guessing he got jealous when Liam held my hand. It’s so frustrating when he does that. One minute, he’ll say he won’t be jealous or get mad with Liam pursuing me then the next, he’ll just turn around and walk out on us with a big scowl on his face because Liam just placed a light a kiss on my hand.

It’s just like a kiss with your Grandma!

“No, I mean he’s jealous because of you!” Ruby repeated on the phone

She’s confusing me. I so know that he’s jealous. He’s been rubbing it on me since the day he walked out.

I once again sighed, “Dear sister, that’s what I’ve been telling you. Can we not repeat it already?”

“But I mean Raf’s jealous because—“

“Because of me, I know! You’re just repeating everything, it just adds to my guilt!” I cut her, stressing the word ‘guilt’

“That’s not what I mean—“

“Ruby Lily Brooks!”

“Ugh! You’re annoying!” She exclaimed with an exasperated voice.

“Like you’re not!” I snorted back

Suddenly, she also heaved a loud sigh, surrendering with our argument, “I’ll just wait till you found out what I’m really saying”

“Hmph. And I’ll just wait till you found out how irritating you are”

“Like you’re not” She imitated

I rolled my eyes and dropped myself on my bed. It’s a Saturday, which means I have no classes in the afternoon. I needed to let out my inner anxieties and stresses so I decided to call Ruby and tell her everything that’s been bothering me. But she never fails to annoy me whenever we talk.

Well, at least she effectively released my tension.

“Scarlet… are you still there?” Ruby called out on the phone, breaking me from my self-thought

“Huh? Ah, yeah. Sorry. What are you saying?”

I heard her sputter, “I said… are you two okay now?”

As if on cue, I felt all the feelings of stress…

“A hundred percent NO” I answered and winced at the thought of what’s been happening for the past weeks.

“What do you mean?” Her voice sounded full of curiosity

I inhaled deeply before I started my rant…

“Well, after the jealous incident. Raf totally changed, and I mean a sudden big, great change. He would always get mad at me easily even if it was just a simple mistake. He criticizes everything I do, even the way I dress! He gets angrier when I’m talking to Rupert, Mr. Cooper especially Liam. But he would be his normal self when talking to Elina and the evil witch, Christina, which really infuriates me! Liam, still continues pursuing me or more like pestering me which only makes Raf madder. We never had a normal conversation as bestfriends after that god damn incident! For God’s sake! It was just a kiss on the hand! But he thought of it as if I’m already dating Liam and that I stole his precious love!...”

CERTIFIED GIRL FAGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora