32 - Time to go

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*Mia pov*

After asking my boss if I could have an extend leave and making sure there's someone to cover me, that turned out to be Brian of course...god I have to repay him for that, I booked Grace and I a flight to Georgia tomorrow morning.
I'm driving to Lisa's to pick up Grace and tell her we're going to Chris.
"Hi sweetheart!"
"Hi Lisa" I say kissing her cheek
"All good at work?"
"Yes, thank you! Did she behave like a good little girl?"
"She always does!"
"Hi baby! Was your day at school good?"
"Good, why don't you go grab your backpack while I talk to nana for a sec"
She nods and we watch her as she carefully goes upstairs
"Something's wrong?"
"I booked a flight for Grace and I tomorrow morning to Georgia"
"I thought you were going for Halloween"
"Yes but Chris texted me earlier this morning saying his anxiety is getting bad"
"Oh my dear boy"
"I know...so without telling him we are going there"
"You are so good for him" she says bringing me in a tight hug
"I just want him to be ok"
"Thank you for doing this"
"He's my family"

We talked a bit more and we ended up staying for an early dinner, Shanna and Scott joining us.
"What time's your flight?" Shanna asks
"I'll drive you to the airport" Scott chimes in
"Thank you Scotty"
"No problem!"

Grace ends up falling asleep on the couch and at ten I decide to go back home.
Scott said he'll be in the driveway at seven am.
"Night Angel" I whisper to Grace once I've laid her down in bed.
I take a warm shower and packed the last few things for the both of us before going to sleep.

The next morning while Scott was driving us to the airport I decided to text Octavia Spencer on Instagram to let her know I was coming.


Hi! I'm Mia,
Chris's girlfriend


Oh my gosh


I just wanted to let you know
and ask if you could tell the
director that I'm coming
today with Grace.
Chris hasn't been good
lately and I wanted to surprise him


Oh sure!
Can't wait to meet you!


Thank you so much!❤️

Done that it's time to say bye to Scott and wait to board the plane!
"Thank you for driving us!"
"My pleasure, be safe sweetie"
"Love you bye, say bye to uncle Scott!"
"Bye uncle Scott!"
"Bye munchkin!"

We walk in and go through security and all and finally board the plane.
It's a three hour flight and once settle down I give the iPad to Grace so she can watch a show while I read a medicine book.
"Yes sweetie"
"I tired" she says after an hour or so
"Take a nap"
I close the iPad and bring her on my lap stroking her back.
Poor girl she had to wake up very early this morning.

As she lays her head on my chest while sleeping I wonder how Chris is going to react to us coming earlier.
Of course he's gonna be happy and I hope it'll do some good to his mental health.

Hey guys! How are u?
Hope you are liking this story!
I wanted to wish to those of you that celebrate it a very Merry Christmas!🎄
Hope you enjoy the good company, the food and the gifts!
Don't ever forget to smile!
Love you❤️

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