36. the malignant peak

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once upon by a peaceful creek

there stood a mighty malignant peak.

It chased the sun and winds away

it birthed every gloomy day.

By that creek lived a belittled girl

That went by the curious name of Mel

She hoped for cooler sunny days

and prayed for brighter joyful rays.


but alas those days never came

so she chose to make them

and one day, went past the creek

to climb the peak of mayhem

Upon ascent she realised

that the peak's great gloomy miles

were nothing less than muck

and nothing up

to a mountain's rock

moving past this was daunting

but she wanted to try

so by searching she found her 'How'

and realised her 'Why'

day by day the peak did stutter

to a smaller version of itself.

Mel slowly built a little village

and herself, was its little elf.

and once upon by a peaceful creek

stood a graceful mighty tree.

that birthed cool for the village

and shade for each soul's resting.

This graceful tree became a sign

Of hope, both far and wide.

Planted by our gracious Mel

It stood: the Lost's to find.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang