48. tangible intangibility

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if I could turn myself inside out

you would refrain from saying a lot of things that you do.

If the thoughts I have could create objects

I would be a swordsmith

And you'll watch me crumble as I sharpen those knives on my bleeding skin.

You would not care

Although you'd act like you do.

if you were truthful

and your affections were tangible

then for every moment that you connect with someone

A sandcastle would emerge

waiting for the waves of uncommitted attention

to wash it away.

But because these things are not seen

And intentions don't lie on one's face.

You sympathetically tell me

"Don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable."

When I'm hardly trying

Just because you want to seem caring.

And I watch your politically correct sympathy

With your politically correct smile

Try to appeal to my senses.

How patronising.

Everyone loves you until they have to know you

And everyone is there until they have to care

Suddenly star filled nights switch to starless clear skies.

who knew darkness was so liberating?

It is one thing to uncomfortably rise to comfort
And another to comfortably fall to dismay.

I guess that's why destruction is easier
And the wicked have it their way.

Because it is easier to remain in a bubble

In an illusion of safety

Than toil to build a brick wall.

It is easier to use sand as cement

than 'nothing at all'.

and for every foundation gone awry
Is a crumbling house.

for every part left unrefined
is potential loss.

For when you turn to comfort
as an excuse to maintain your flaws

that is exactly how
great nations fall.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt