Chapter 6

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Rewriting History

"How much longer Uncle?" The Queen complained as she lay in her bed with pillows over her face and eyes closed.

Her uncle chuckled as he leaned against her room door, "You are being so dramatic."

"I am not," Asora's voice sounded so small and muffled underneath the pillows. "You may have been out to sea before, but I have not. I have been swaying for several days and my stomach and head are tired of it." Asora groaned some more. "I'm not even married yet and I hate it."

"Well it's too late to back out, we're already here," Her uncle smirked.

The Queen shot up from underneath the pillows, ignoring the wave of nausea, into an upright position. Frantically she climbed out of her bed and went to her chest. "You're just now telling me this!"

"What do you mean?" Her uncle asked amused. "I tried but you were complaining about being seasick."

Asora scowled, "You're the one who started it, you told me I was being dramatic." Her uncle gave her a pointed look. "Oh geez, I can tell you're about to teach me something."

"All I'm going to say is patience is a virtue, you don't get the chance to become annoyed over small things." Her uncle said.

"And my advisors shouldn't instigate others," The Queen said as she pulled a long dress out of the large chest.

Wisemen Hugh shook his head more amused than annoyed. "Why are you always so fresh?"

"I learned from the best," Asora laughed. "Now get out I need to change."

"Yes, My Queen." Advisor Hugh mocked as he quietly shut the door after him. The Queen rolled her eyes, she hated when her uncle called her that.

Carefully, she took the straps of her light blue dress off her shoulders, gently pulling it over her tender chest (she cursed her flow of blood, it always came at the wrong time with the worst effects) before quickly pulling it down her wide hips and slender legs.

As she pulled the new dress on, a smirk made its way onto her face.

Her reflection was gorgeous.

Her body was covered in a white satin fabric, hugging her perfectly. Tight around her bosom and hips before flowing down gracefully towards her ankles. She specifically loved the bottom of her dress, it was splashed with a deep red as if she walked in a puddle of blood.

To others, it may be inappropriate or taboo, but to her, it was a warning for all to see. While her virginity was intact, it did not mean she was fully pure. She had spilled blood to become Queen and would continue to spill blood if it meant protecting her people.

Quietly, she slipped on her white flats which were gifted by her soon-to-be husband, he also gave her four studded diamonds, she had extra piercings so she put two on each ear. Asora wouldn't deny that his gifts were very pretty, but her eyes turned to a small mahogany box on her vanity.

It held the most important pieces of jewels that could've ever been bestowed upon her. One was a necklace, gifted and made by her parents. It was the last thing her parents gave her before they died.  The necklace was made of smaller pearls and smooth white jade stones, it contrasted with her golden brown skin and slyly brought attention to her ample amount of chest.

She then pulled a tiara out, it had pearls shaped like white hibiscus (her nations common flower), with small diamonds surrounding each flower. Her people spent much time making this tiara, it would be first tiara and crown out of many for their New Queen.

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