Chapter 26

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Going Home With Or Without You

In the aftermath of King Ramiro's departure, a sense of normalcy began to settle over the kingdom. With the allies having left, King Tae-Han became more relaxed, allowing Queen Asora to resume her duties beyond the confines of their chambers. However, Queen Asora couldn't shake off her concern regarding the rumors of a potential English threat to Jamaica. The weight of responsibility pressed upon her, compelling her to seek counsel from her Wisemen. 

In the war room, they gathered to discuss the unsettling news. Queen Asora stood up and looked at everyone, "As you know I have received unsettling information from King Ramiro of Spain regarding rumors of the English planning to overtake our beloved country, Jamaica, once again. We cannot afford to underestimate this potential threat. Our people's safety and the stability of our kingdom are of utmost importance."

"Agreed," Wisemen Hugh started. "These rumors must not be taken lightly. It is crucial that we gather intelligence to ascertain the veracity of these claims and fortify our defenses accordingly. I suggest we send scouts to discreetly investigate any signs of English presence or activity."

Wisemen Tae-Jeong nodded in agreement, his voice resonating with determination. "Furthermore, we should bolster our alliances and establish closer communication with neighboring countries and potential allies. A united front will strengthen our position against any encroaching threats."

"To add to Hugh's point," Wisemen Judias added to the conversation, "I propose dispatching ships a day out into the ocean to scout for any approaching vessels."

Wismen Japh nodded in agreement before signing, "And Queen Asora, perhaps it would be wise for you to consider returning to Jamaica. Your presence there would bring stability and reassurance to our people during these uncertain times. It is essential that our kingdom remains united and strong, especially in the face of potential threats."

The others in the room nodded in agreement with their fellow wise men. However, Wisewoman Lydia raised her concern, displaying her loyalty and understanding of the delicate dynamics between Queen Asora and King Tae-Han. 

"While I understand the need for your presence in our country Jamaica, Queen Asora," Wisewomen Lydia began. "We must also consider the feelings of King Tae-Han. You've only been married for a little over a week, leaving so soon after your wedding could cause him to feel neglected. It is essential to maintain the balance between your responsibilities as a queen and your commitment to being Queen here and his wife too."

Queen Asora furrowed her brow, pondering Lydia's words. She understood the delicate balance that needed to be struck, but the safety and well-being of her people remained her number one goal. "You raise a valid point, Lydia. I will take King Taehan's feelings into consideration. However, the safety of our kingdom and its people must remain our top priority. I will have to find a way to address both concerns, ensuring that our people are protected while also nurturing the bond with my husband and maintaining my responsibilities here."

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