Who Wants To Live Forever

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Warnings: Extreme violence & gore

Michael Myers stood before Smith's Grove Sanitarium, his former prison. He studied each entrance and exit, taking note that there was no short supply of staff on that particular night. It had been months since his hands had taken a life, his knife had just about lost it's deathly gleam. It had been hungry for too long. It had weakened him significantly, made him question whether or not he would be able to even reach her. He knew the building well, he knew exactly where she would be and it wouldn't be easy to get to. He contemplated just how he would achieve such a feat and weighed the possible consequences. There was a chance neither of them would make it out, at least not alive. Loomis may have been willing to grant them freedom, but Michael was certain no one else shared that same opinion. No part of him wanted to be trapped within those walls again, he remembered well what he had been subjected to there. However, the thought of her experiencing Smith's Grove isolation or being their test subject was enough motivation to risk his own imprisonment. There was no more time to waste, he wouldn't let her suffer any longer than she already had. His gaze slowly moved to the front entrance. He watched the doors close behind another nurse who had just began her shift. Unfortunately for her it would be her last. His grip tightened on his knife as he began to move towards the building. He felt like he was buzzing with anticipation. The stakes had never been this high for him. If he failed, if one person escaped his wrath he would lose her and more permanently than he had before. He wouldn't. Failure was not an option. Death would have its way with each person who stood in his path tonight. 

As he neared the doors the receptionist noticed his haunting form. Panic flooded her eyes as she scrambled to lock the entrance. Michael didn't stop moving. She ran back behind her desk and hid underneath it as the glass shattered around him. The sound had alerted another staff member nearby. He was brave, he ran towards Michael and landed a firm punch to his jaw. It was nothing to the Shape, just a minor inconvenience. He grabbed hold of the man's neck with one hand and with the other plunged his blade into his stomach. The white cloth turned bright red around the wound as Michael ripped the knife out of him. The receptionist struggled to lift her chair but managed to raise it above her head and hurl it at him. His reflexes were quick and with one arm he hit it midair and it fell to the side. She let out a blood curdling scream before he dragged his blade along the exposed flesh of her neck. Her blood flowed freely down her chest as her eyes went dim. She fell at his feet. He swiftly turned towards the long hallway and made his way to the stairway at the end. A doctor rushed out of one of the rooms only to be met with sudden death in Michael's grip. One massive hand managed to crush his throat before he was thrown back into the room he had just left. Michael felt his strength returning in massive waves. It was euphoric. Each kill had a purpose like never before. He was almost hoping another unfortunate soul would cross his path. He made his way up the empty stairwell to the third floor. Just before he reached the second, a door flew open. Another doctor. The man put his hands up, hoping this shadow of death would pass over him, but to no avail. Michael's hand gripped his throat and held him in place as the knife plummeted into his eye socket. The man's arms fell to his side, limp. He was tossed over the side of the stairs and Michael watched as his lifeless body raced to meet the cold floor below. He fell with a thud that echoed up to the top of the stairwell where a security guard was watching in horror. Michael's head whipped up to meet his terrified gaze. His steps were calm and calculated now as he moved upwards. The guard was blocking the door, a mistake he would have no time to regret. A gun was held in his shaking hands, badly affecting his aim. He shot over and over, managing to clip Michael once or twice in his arms. It didn't stop him this time. The guard gave up shooting and opted for pleading instead. Michael stood face to face with him and tilted his head at this sudden display of weakness. He had been enjoying the fight, but now there was no game to play. He reached for the hand with the gun and forced it up just underneath the man's jaw. He placed his finger over the man's which rested on the trigger. His scream was cut short by the loud pop the gun released as its bullet found its way up and through the man's skull. Michael unclenched his fist and yet another body fell limp before him. Nothing blocked the door now. He pushed it open to reveal the long white hallway he had hoped to never see again. Bones crunched beneath him as his boots moved over the security guard's body. He moved slowly through the hall, each step was haunted by memories. It only made him wish for one last kill before he found her. Just as he thought that, several guards burst through the door behind him. He turned slowly and wished they could have seen the smile behind the mask.

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